Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy How to diagnose glaucoma?

There are several checks that need to be done so that we can diagnose glaucoma appropriately and reliably. Examination of it include:

1. Examination of the eyeball Pressure (Tonometry)
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

This examination aims to measure the pressure of the eye. Anesthetic drops usually used drugs to make the eye of Baal. This inspection can be done by applause Goldman (touching the small part of the eyeball) or with a blast of air. Normal eye pressure range is between 10-21 mmHg.

2. Evaluation of Nerve Structures of the eye

Related nerve structures of the eye, the evaluation is done manually or with checks. This inspection is done at least 1-2 times a year.

The inspection procedure is aimed at the evaluation of neural eyes to see whether there are signs of glaucoma or as an evaluation of the progressivity disease.

Sometimes this inspection is done using drugs to dilate mydriasis drops child's eyes (pupil) so that the detail of the nerves of the eye can be seen clearly. Drug use drops of mydriasis this may result blurry or glare while the effect will be restored back to normal in a few hours under the shed.

There are a number of additional checks which can support the accuracy of the examination of the structure of the nerve of the eye, including:

o Heidelberg Retinal Tomography (HRT), this inspection generate a 3D picture and high resolution of the nerves of the eye.  This inspection helps the ophthalmologist in assessing damage to nerve fibers.

o Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).  This tool measures the reflected laser light to assess the structure of 3 D of nerve fibers.

An example of the description of the nerves of the eye glaucoma (left).   Examination of the OCT can help diagnose glaucoma early extensive examinations of vision (right).
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3. Examination of the Broad Fields of view (Perimetry)

Perimetry is a broad examination of the vision in the form of mapping areas that can be seen by the patient. This examination is very important in helping the eye doctor in assessing the severity of glaucoma and for evaluation of the therapy.

This inspection must be performed in conditions of calm and concentration. Sometimes it takes a series of examinations to find out the baseline or septal description that appears settled.  This examination is generally done 1-2 times a year when the pressure's been controlled to assess progressivity.

4. Examination of the angle of the front Eye Booth (Gonioscopy)
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Gonioscopy is a routine diagnostic procedure that helps evaluate the condition of the drainage channels to determine the type of glaucoma in the form of an open or closed angle.  The inspection was done after the patient was given the anesthetic drops for creating the eye of Baal.

The examination is done using the gonioscopic contact lenses affixed on the eyeball. This inspection is very safe, no pain and has no side effects

5. Examination of the thickness of the cornea of the eye (Parametric)

Parametric measure the thickness of the cornea, the clear tissue that is most front of the eyeball. This important inspection carried out at least once because the thickness of the cornea can affect calculations pressure eyeballs. When the cornea is thicker than normal, measurements of the pressure of the eyeball can show results that are higher than normal.

Need a friend and you know that glaucoma screening examination should not be carried out at a time. Initial examination typically includes eyeball pressure checks and assessments form the nerve of the eye.

The doctor will then determine what checks need to be made based on the results of the initial examination and their risk factors of which belonged to the patient.

Indeed, the examination is done looks a lot, it's because enforcing the diagnosis of glaucoma is not always easy. Someone who was diagnosed to have Glaucoma should start undergoing treatment therapy for life so early diagnosis to be precise in order to avoid the use of unnecessary medication.

On the other hand, someone who has already undergone treatment of glaucoma, periodic evaluation is required to ensure that the illness remains controlled and does not occur progressivity. Eye doctor needs to consider many aspects before determining an appropriate governance for the patient.

Governance sometimes not the same between patients, depending on various factors, age, severity of glaucoma, or eyeball pressure target to be achieved. The examination is done can help doctors in taking the right decisions for the benefit of patients.
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How governance glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a serious disease that can cause blindness. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no treatment that can cure glaucoma in total. Nerve damage that has already occurred is also difficult to recover. Therefore, early detection and proper governance are essential.

The goal of therapy is to control glaucoma progressivity disease. Once detected, glaucoma generally requires inspection and control for life.

To date, the goal of therapy for glaucoma is to control the pressure of the eye. Keep the pressure of the eyeball within the range of normal or in accordance with target pressure is very important in keeping the vision.

Many patients suspected glaucoma has healed so pressure eyeballs down to the normal range either by drugs or surgery. Glaucoma fact can only be controlled, but can not be cured.

Sometimes the need for additional action or medication adjustments depending on the condition of glaucoma or a progressivity disease. Hence the need for periodic examination although the eyeball pressure has reached normal range either by drugs or surgery. Glaucoma treatments include corporate governance with drugs, laser therapy, and glaucoma surgery.

Treatment Of Glaucoma

Anti-glaucoma medications

First-line therapy in glaucoma generally with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that help glaucoma drainage so that it flows more smoothly or reduce the production of liquid eyeballs or humor kudos.

In some cases, drugs can control the pressure of the eyeball for the long term. Research indicates the pressure of the eyeball that is controlled under pressure range, then the risk of progressivity glaucoma will decrease. Therefore, he shall be disciplined and regular use of the drug as recommended by a doctor.

What are the side effects of the drugs long-term anti-glaucoma drops?

Glaucoma Medications all have side effects are short term and long term. Side effects are generally minimal and fairly can be tolerated. The most common are red eyes, dry, pains when sites, or very rarely arise thumping, nerve swelling or exacerbation of asthma.

When patients complained of side effects that evoke a sense of very uncomfortable, it is immediately communicated on eye doctor so it can look for a solution or drug replacement.

What if doctors decide to replace or supplement drops?
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Replacement drops don't necessarily mean glaucoma undergoing progressivity. Even the replacement drug drops are commonplace, given usually after all this time our bodies experience the tolerance of drugs so that its effectiveness is decreasing.

At an early stage, even doctors can replace medicine until a few times to find the most effective and most can be tolerated by the patient.

Once again each patient may have a different response in the effectiveness of the pressure drop of the eyeball. The doctor can also add drugs used by patients when pressures of the eyeball are hard to be controlled with just one drug.
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The necessity of using drugs regularly

An eye doctor will generally see the ability of patients to use the drug on a regular basis. Usually seen from the age, daily activities, independence, financial ability and ease in access to medicines.

Sometimes when the drug drops of can't be used regularly or side effects cannot be tolerated by patients for long-term, an eye doctor may consider other therapy modalities such as laser or surgery.

Tips to help patients be more discipline in the use of drugs
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

• Create a schedule. Write the name of the drug and dosage, as well as the amount of medication that must be used in one day. The schedule can be put in place that is easily seen as a work desk or a refrigerator. Some drug Glaucoma can be identified easily through the color of the lid of the bottle.

• If necessary, use an alarm as a reminder to dispense the drug.

• Involve family members in helping patients to better discipline in the use of the drug.

• When missed a frequency of use of the drug, the drug drops immediately and then returns to the original schedule.

• Schedule the use of drugs along with daily activities such as waking up, before going to bed or meals.

• Please bear in mind the frequency of 2 times a day means every 12 hours, for example, 7 am and 7 pm.

• Put the drug in an easily seen and always included every trip.

• Keep medication out of reach of children or direct exposure to sunlight.

• Keep the medication from storage of medicines and other similar so as to prevent confusion in the drip of the drug.

• Always communicate with your eye doctor if anything less comfortable associated with drug use eye drops
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How do I use the drops correctly?
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Before using a medicated drops, wash your hands first. Sit while looking up or sleep positions while looking toward the ceiling. Then follow these steps:

1. Pull the bottom petal pouches with the index finger.

2. See above. Squirt one drug drops at the bottom of the shell SAC. So don't blink, eye rubbing or touching the tip of the bottle to the face or eyes.

3. Gently close the eyes. Press the ends of the petals of the inside of the (side of nose). Trying to do this for 1-2 minutes to prevent the drops directly flowing towards the throat.

4. Repeat these steps on each eye by the rules. If there are some drugs that must be melted at the same time then give pause between the time droplets about 5-10 minutes.

5. If you are not sure the medication already drops correctly, then squirt the medicine again. Eyelid SAC we can only accommodate 1 drop off drugs, so that when there is an excess of the drug then it will directly be wasted.

Action Laser

There are several types of laser action in glaucoma. The type of laser is determined based on the type and degree of severity of glaucoma. Laser action is typically performed in clinics without the need for hospitalization.

Several types of Laser action in glaucoma

1. Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty and (SLT)

• This Laser can be an alternative for patients who do not respond to drugs drops antiglaucoma, and may be repeated until a few times without the side effects that are meaningful.

• The Laser is working on a very low energy so that it is relatively safe.

• The laser works on woven from eyeball fluid drainage system so that the flow of the liquid becomes more smoothly.

• This Laser especially for an open corner.

2. Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) 

• Laser Action is mainly in closed-angle glaucoma, where fluid drainage channels close slices the eyeball.

• This procedure makes a line on the iris so that the liquid can flow smoothly.

3. Laser Trans-sclera Cyclo Photocoagulation (TCP)

• This type of Laser is directed at the eyes that do not function or function is very minimal.  

• Laser TCP can also be an alternative in patients who already use drugs has not yet been fullest want for the operation.

• The Laser is working on a body that functions to generate sillier liquid eyeballs.

The Procedure Of Laser Action

• Drops eyes will Initially anti pain, then eye doctor will use a special lens to help visualization areas will be lasered area.

• By using a slit lamp, the physician will focus the laser beam just in the area that will be lasered area.

• During the procedure, the patient will see a laser beam of light, as well as spotlights on the camera.

• In some patients who are sensitive, can appear a sense like being touched, but are generally not painful.

• After the action is usually slightly reddish eyes due to mild irritation, and the ophthalmologist will use drops anti-irritation.

• Some measures that have the effect of a laser is not permanent so laser action may be required at a later date.

Operation Of Glaucoma

Glaucoma surgery is indicated or is the first choice in patients with eye pressure remains uncontrolled despite maximum treatment, with patients who are sensitive to the drugs, glaucoma patients who suffered nerve damage that broad, as well as several types of glaucoma drugs controlled by the difficult.  
The Act of surgery on glaucoma
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Action operation in glaucoma as well as other eyeball surgery, using a microscope to make the structure of the eyeball is seen more clearly. Usually, the surgical procedure is performed using a local anesthetic on the eyeball, so only eyeballs become immune, but the patient remains conscious and able to communicate. 

There are some conditions that require the patient to surgery in general anesthesia, such as patients who are not cooperative, children's patients, or patients with specific conditions according to consideration doctor eye will be more beneficial when the operation is performed in general anesthesia.

During the procedure, local anesthesia, especially on the eye will feel touched but not painful. If the patient still feels uncomfortable, patients can communicate with doctors during surgery.

Glaucoma surgery is most often performed is a trabeculectomy operation where on the white part of the eye or sclera made small channels to facilitate liquid eyeballs to come out. This action is performed on the edge of the eyeball, so generally not much affect central vision. 

Other types of glaucoma surgery are the use of glaucoma implants to decrease the pressure of the eye. Glaucoma implant is a tool in the form of a small plate placed under the eye or conjunctiva, clear membrane and serves to help form a funnel shelter liquid eyeballs.

Glaucoma surgery generally takes time to recovery, which sometimes varies between individuals depending on age, activity, and the type of glaucoma. However, in most patients, these actions do not require hospitalization even though the eyes need to wrapped bandages for some time.

Postoperatively the patient usually requests to avoid exposure of the water directly into the eye for at least a week, do not drive or do heavy physical activity.

What if I have been diagnosed with glaucoma?
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Some patients with glaucoma have a broad vision that is greatly reduced. This condition can affect your daily activities and usually not much helped by the use of glasses or contact lenses. 

In the early stages of glaucoma, there is usually reduced contrast sensitivity to complaints (similar colors to differentiate with different intensity), sensitivity to light, glare or decrease the sharpness of vision. In patients with extensive or very minimal vision acuity, the everyday activities of patients can be interrupted. 

It can, therefore, be considered the consultation to the low vision.  At the center of the low vision, there are many tools that can ease the patients to perform daily activities

How do I work the same as the eye doctor?

As glaucoma patients, a new eye doctor may need to check the pressure of the eyeball and other glaucoma checks more often until the condition is glaucoma declared controlled. 

Even when the pressure of the eyeballs already stated normally, control glaucoma remains needed at least a few times a year. It is very important that patients feel comfortable and can communicate with the doctor about the condition of glaucoma and what options corporate governance.

What can patients do to help the success of the therapy?
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Identify and note carefully the drugs that have been used. Some drugs have side effects that are quite disturbing. 

Always communicate discomfort in the use of drugs, the difficulty in the regularity of the use of the drug, the patient's independence even financial burden experienced by the patient and family. 

Associate the use of drugs with daily activities, such as eating, sleeping or waking up before bed. If necessary use an alarm to minimize drug use of disobedience. Always provide the extra drugs as a backup, especially when the drug is lost or scattered.

In addition, always communicate with your doctor or other health care personnel that you are a glaucoma patient. There are some medications that may severe glaucoma, including medicines with steroids.

You should also schedule your next visit before you leave the consulting room. Moreover, for those of you who are planning to travel in quite a long time, you should perform the control first before.

You can also help the success of the therapy by making a note of any questions about the condition of the eyes, vision functions or drug control to the doctor before your eyes. 

A note about the level of pressure your eyeballs from each visit also you need to make, it is that will make it easier when you need to control with a different eye doctor.
Does lifestyle affect glaucoma?

Sure, your lifestyle can influence glaucoma. Therefore, you should eat foods that are healthy and nutritious vegetables, regular exercise, avoid smoking, reduce your intake of caffeine, and keep your weight staying awake is ideal. 

Drinking water with a pause, do not drink a lot in a short time. Reduce salt intake, too, so avoid fluid retention. You should also be communicating with doctors before doing heavy physical activity.

In addition, try to let the eye is always clean and free of irritation. Don't make it a habit to rub his eyes, although some drops antiglaucoma has side effects such as itching and burning. 

If you have undergone eye surgery, try to always use goggles eye protection (goggles) in physical activities such as swimming or other sports.

Then, keep your body's health in General, don't get too fixated on glaucoma until you forget the health of other body parts that are no less important.

Keep your emotions and your feelings
Glaukoma : Detection,Treatment and Therapy

Can not be denied that glaucoma has side effects in the form of physical and emotional stress due to the threat of the loss of eyesight permanently. 

In early diagnosed glaucoma patients generally feel shocked, worried, even some fall within the conditions of the depression. Take the time to learn about this disease, then you will understand that the many ways that can be done to control glaucoma. 

Even if most of your vision has been lost, communicate with doctors and low vision Division of assistance to undergo daily activities actively and independently.

Hopefully, this short blurb can help answer your curiosity about glaucoma. Early detection is the key to primary prevention of glaucoma. Immediately checking your eyes regularly mainly on individuals with a high risk of glaucoma. 
Check with your eye health in the health service centers that provide the optometrist as well as on-site inspection of the early detection and treatment of Glaucoma can.