Depression - Foods to prevent depression and stress

Depression - Foods to prevent depression and stress Eating is a basic human need. However, it is not just simply fills the stomach. Food also mentioned can make someone's feeling better. In other words, food can support mental health. Come on, know the facts here!

As the phrase "you are what you eat", many studies that prove how a healthy diet is very important to maintain health, not only physical but also mental health.

What you eat can affect the performance of the cells of the body, the immune system, and also how the body responds to stress.

The fact of the various Research

The inside of the human digestive system processes the role not only of food but also affect emotions.

About 95% of the hormone serotonin which helps the body to manage moods, produced in the digestive tract which is surrounded by millions of nerve cells. Serotonin acts impede its own pain, set the time to sleep, and appetite.

Below are some of the results of research to uncover the relationship between the food you consume with mental health:

• Those who are accustomed to consuming foods rich in vegetables, fruit, fish, meat without fat, and whole wheat, is known to have the level of risk of depression 25-35% lower than the accustomed to consuming food packaging.

• Fermentation Foods such as yogurt can serve as a natural probiotic. The study found that the level of mental health, anxiety, and stress levels of people who are consuming probiotics, generally better than not.

• 80% increased the risk of depression and the risk of attention-deficit disorder (ADD) doubled, in teenagers with bad diet than those who eat healthy foods.

• The study found, the relationship between the causal sugars, fast food, and soft drinks with an increasing number of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While the children are eating more vegetables, fruits, and fatty fish, have a lower risk of experiencing the symptoms of ADHD.

• Some types of nutrients, such as zinc (zinc) and omega-3, plays a role in brain protein changes that helped shape the braided cell brain. By contrast, consumption of refined sugar and saturated fats can negatively affect the brain.

• The function of the neurons also influenced the good bacteria in the gut, and activate the nerve pathway between the gut and the brain. Sufferers of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia may have food allergies that affect their condition.

Foods that can improve your Mental health

And the food you consume will then be processed by the body into the brain tissue, enzymes, proteins, and neuronal liaison between the brain with different members of the body.

Some foods, by contrast, can aggravate the symptoms of mental disorders. Be aware of some food groups below, who is believed to have beneficial help keep your welfare as a whole, including the psychic or mental health conditions:

• Replace butter with olive oil which is rich in healthy fat content.

• Foods that contain vitamin B12 can help reduce inflammation of the brain, the risk of dementia, and depression. These foods include eggs, chicken, beef liver, and also cereals that are already fortified with vitamins (fortification).

• Shortage of folic acid or vitamin B9 related to a bad mood. Some types of foods that are a source of folic acid that is green vegetables, oranges, bread, certainly, rice, and cereals.

• Omega-3 Fatty Acids contained in fish, such as salmon and mackerel, may help improve memory and mood. These nutrients can also help prevent inflammation, as well as the effect on the delivery of the serotonin and dopamine.

• Zinc (zinc) can help strengthen the body's response to stress. Much of this material is contained in seafood, such as shellfish, lobster, and crab. In addition, it can also be found on chicken meat, beef, beans, and nuts.

• Food and beverage fermentation, like yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, is believed to be able to help relieve depression, stress, and anxiety, because of the content of good bacteria in it.

Take advantage of a variety of healthy foods to support mental health, including preventing stress and depression. However, that does not mean these foods can replace treatment given doctor.

When stress and depression that you face heavy belongs, or if it feels like it's been unable to tackle on your own, you again don't hesitate to consult a doctor or psychologist, to get appropriate responses.

References :
Selhub, e. Harvard Health Publishing (2015). Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food.
The American Pregnancy Association. Folic Acid (2015).
Clay, R. A. American Psychological Association. September 2017, Vol 48, no. 8. The link between food and mental health McDermott, a. Healthline (2017). Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin B-12 for Any Diet.
Miller, k. WebMD (2015). Mental Health. Can What You Eat Affect Your Mental Health?