Get to know The Traits of Depression After Childbirth Postpartum depression is a type of depression that many experienced by women after giving birth. The depression that occurs after birth is a common problem that affected about 13 percent of the women all over the world, especially in developing countries.

Yet many women do not even realize that they're having this condition.

Depression is common in the first six weeks after giving birth is different from the baby blues generally subside in a matter of days or weeks.

If not handled properly, the post-birth depression can last in the long term with a result that is no less dangerous than other serious forms of depression.

What Are The Symptoms?

Many women often ignore bad feelings because of worried look unhappy after being a mother to unwittingly, they are experiencing postpartum depression.

Therefore, recognizing the symptoms of depression is not only important for the expectant mother, but also for relatives and close friends. Symptoms should be particularly aware of:

• Feeling sad or not excited that settled.
• Difficult to close and familiar with the baby.
• Constantly feel sad and cry for no reason is obvious.
• Neglecting yourself, for example, does not want to eat, not to change clothes or bathing.
• Loss of sense of humor and interest in things that had favored.
• Constantly worry that something is wrong in the baby.
• Restlessness or rapidly changing mood and irritability.
• Often feel exhausted and not powered.
• Not confident, feel guilty, want to hurt yourself, or even a desire to commit suicide.
• Trouble sleeping.
• Difficult to concentrate or make decisions.

In the case of very rare, most moms think to hurt their baby. These symptoms can be very seriously so as to make this depression sufferers are not able to establish rapport with others, can not take care of their babies, and reluctant to travel far.

The symptoms of postpartum depression and the baby blues at a glance look similar. However, generally, the symptoms of baby blues tend to be lighter and will improve on its own within a week, while 1-2 postpartum depression has symptoms that are more severe, tend to settle and can give a negative impact in the life of the mother and child if left untreated.

The negative feelings that appear to make many women feel that they are bad mothers and choose to hide it, so thus received no proper handling.

What Causes a Postpartum Depression?

Experts have not been able to identify for sure and obviously what caused most mothers to experience postpartum depression, while most of the other mothers who did not experience it.

Generally, the condition is due to the combination of various factors. Some of the following are suspected to be a factor of behind their, of whom:

• lack of sleep and a weak physical condition postpartum, accompanied by the demands of caring for a baby.
• Hormonal changes that make some women feel more sensitive.
• Family and Social Issues such as the question of finance, conflict with family members, or the lack of support the nearest person during childbirth and caring for the baby.
• A history of depression who never experienced before, especially depression during pregnancy.
• Experiencing health problems, especially postpartum, such as pain in the scars of stitches or disorder urination.
• Have difficulty in giving breast milk.
• The existence of sad memories after you give birth, such as the death of a parent.
• Babies experience impaired health or physical, or premature birth.
• The difficulty of labor.
• Some babies are more demanding and more intractable than other babies, thus making the mother was overwhelmed.

Although not dominant, presumed genetic factors contributed. Women who are members of his family have a history of depression are more at risk of experiencing postpartum depression.

For new parents, the learning process through a new role can be a stage that trigger depression, because many things that turned out to be incompatible with the theory of expectations.

How Do I Handle It?

Postpartum depression can become a prolonged problem if left alone. Because depression postpartum can last for months if left untreated.

The following are the steps that can be taken handling: • Talking to relatives or close friends as soon as possible. The support of those closest to is very important towards mental health. Or can also be directly checked me into a psychiatrist or doctor.

• Though the body can help ease mild depression. Talk with your doctor or a sports instructor in order to get the proper exercise series.

• A psychiatrist would probably provide psychotherapy such as cognitive behavior therapy (Cognitive Behavior Therapy/CBT).

• Consumption of drugs prescribed antidepressants doctors generally are reserved for those who had previously never experienced depression or are experiencing severe depression.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Pis (SSRIs) are a type of antidepressant is generally recommended for the nursing mother, in addition to the Tricyclic drugs Antidepressants (TCA).

Other drugs that may be awarded is a combination of mood stabilizer medications such as lithium, antipsychotic, and tranquilizers such as benzodiazepines if mothers who suffer from depression post-birth have a history of mood disorders or symptoms psychotic before.

However, the side effects of these drugs could potentially make the mother cannot give breast milk. Always check with your doctor before drug eligibility of consumption, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding.

The use of drugs to cope with the symptoms of depression or other psychological disorders in pregnant women should be monitored by a doctor expert.

Make sure the mother has time to herself, doing things that are preferred or talking with a close friend, without the baby together. It requires the support of a close relative who is willing to help take care of the little one for the mom on the go.

Postpartum depression symptoms cannot be considered lightly or be considered trivial. This disorder is a form of depression that if left untreated, will cause bad impact such behavior to hurt yourself or the baby, as well as the emergence of a desire to commit suicide.

Is there any way that can be done to prevent depression?

There is no evidence about the prevention of postpartum depression are effective unless running a healthy lifestyle as good as possible.

If you want to avoid postpartum depression, there are a few things you can do to lower your risk of experiencing depression, among them:

• Keep yourself while being pregnant, try to reduce your stress level and accept the help offered, either of the spouses, friends, or family.

• You are advised to run a healthy lifestyle.

• Tell your doctor if you have a history of psychological problems when you want to have a baby or when you are pregnant. Because, if you experienced it while pregnant, the doctor should supervise the first few weeks after you give birth to The child.

• If you experience postpartum depression, your doctor will probably recommend that the granting of an antidepressant or undergo psychotherapy immediately after giving birth.

Keep in mind that this condition can happen to anyone with a combination of various factors cause. In addition, if you are a woman who is experiencing postpartum depression, there are a few important things you need to remember, that a wide range of help and support available to you (including by therapy).

Depression is the same as other diseases, so don't blame yourself if you experience postpartum depression. If you feel depressed and stressed, does not mean you become insane or you are a bad parent. The latter, remember your baby will not be taken from you.

If there are symptoms of depression that are accompanied by a thought or a feeling of wanting to commit suicide, hallucinations, dehydrated because it does not want to eat or drink for days, unable to sleep for how many days until you less energy, mind or attempted to hurt the baby, immediately consult a psychiatrist to get these conditions because of the handling is a symptom of severe depression that can potentially harm you and the little one.

Giving birth, undergoing the process of life and have a new family member requires you to become a parent is indeed not a trivial thing.

However, remains grateful you could have children and do not let yourself get depressed postpartum. Make yourself happy, because with the happy you can take care of your heart with good fruit and full of compassion.
References :
NHS Choices UK (2016). Postnatal depression. 

Baby Center UK (2013). Postnatal depression (PND).