Diabetes-Eye Disease Diabetic

Diabetes-Eye Disease Diabetic

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Beware of eye disease in diabetics,
I have diabetes, the amount of blood sugar in the body was certainly much in the normal threshold. In the time it can affect the eyes to cause diseases of the eye.
Diabetics are strongly encouraged to regularly visit the eye doctor. 

Causes of high blood sugar levels can cause various diseases of the eye such as haze, cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy, and blindness.

Blurred view

If Your vision feels vague, it could be because it turns out you are exposed to diabetes. High blood sugar levels cause eye lens swells up to change our ability to see. 

To fix it, blood sugar should go back to the range recommended by the doctor. For example, between 70 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL for one or two hours after eating. Immediately go to the doctor when Your vision blurred, because it can be a symptom of more serious eye diseases.


Diabetes can also make eye diseases such as cataracts show up, no matter if you are young. If it is so, the lens of the eyes definitely become blurry or murky and sight seem blurred, cloudy, as well as more glare. 

How diabetes can cause cataracts? Diabetes makes the sugar levels in the fluid and the lens of the eye is the co-designer of the climb. High sugar levels make a substance called sorbitol joined up and accumulate in the lens. 

It can affect cells and natural proteins to make the lens becomes less clear. This eye disease can be treated by surgery, i.e. replacing the damaged lens with an artificial eye lens.


Selajutnya eye diseases that could arise due to complications from diabetes is glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs when fluid in the eye cannot be channeled properly and caused a buildup of fluid. 

The result of nerves and vessels in the eyes can be damaged due to the fluid and the distress causes vision changes.
In addition, people with diabetes are also more likely to be stricken with glaucoma neovascular AMD. 

A rare eye disease that makes new blood vessels grow in the iris (the colored part of the eye) to clog a normal flow of fluid and increase the pressure in the eye.
Diabetes-Best fruits for Diabetes
Eye Disease Diabetic Retinopathy

To be able to see properly, the retina in the eye requires a constant blood supply. The blood obtained from the small blood vessels in the eye. However, high blood sugar levels are capable of damaging the blood vessels and cause bleeding in the eye causing blindness if belatedly diagnosed and treated. 

Retinopathy diabetes because it usually takes several years to reach this stage of the life-threatening visions. The longer you have diabetes, the more likely you are stricken with this eye disease.

So, if you suffer from diabetes, do not forget to diligently check your eye to the eye doctor. The Guide as follows:

• Adult type 1 diabetics must check the complete eye after 5 years of being diagnosed.

• Adult type 2 diabetics must check the complete eye as soon as it is diagnosed.

• Women who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant and have a history of diabetes should be checked.

And if you've been diagnosed with diabetes, immediately encountered a doctor if Your vision suddenly seemed opaque, there is a "hole", it seemed there is light, there are black spots. For quick handling on a variety of symptoms that can make the disease be cured earlier.

Gymnastics Diabetes and Exercise other supporters

Diabetes-Eye Disease Diabetic

There are various ways of keeping fit and blood sugar control for diabetics, one of them by doing gymnastics diabetes and exercise other supporters. The following discussion about gymnastics diabetes and other sports recommended for diabetics as well as its benefits.

There are a variety of exercises or sports that are beneficial for diabetics, one of them is gymnastics diabetes, designed based on age and physical condition. 

It is recommended for diabetics to do gymnastics diabetes or sports with motion light and fast, for at least 150 minutes each week, to burn calories in the body and increases the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Gymnastics diabetes can help lose weight which is one of the constraints in the diabetes disease, of course, followed by a healthy diet. 

A clinical study of diabetes prevention programs related to revealing, changes in lifestyle and exercising 150 minutes a week can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 58 percent.

Various Supporting Exercise Gymnastics Diabetes

Another exercise that can be done by sufferers in addition to diabetes is a gymnastics gymnastics Gymnastics tai chi. Tai Chi is a form of sports bodies that are very beneficial for health. 

The art of sports bodies that are derived from this form of Chinese exercise or movement sports a merger between body movement, breathing and meditation as well though. Tai Chi is also different from the other because gymnastics Tai Chi movements are slower. Gymnastics Tai Chi focuses on the harmony of movement and breathing.

In 2009, researchers at the University of Florida conducted a study against 62 women Korea diabetics who regularly perform gymnastics tai chi. The results showed the existence of significant improvements in their blood sugar levels. Not only that, vitality and mental health they tend to increase. 
What are the restrictions for diabeticss
Gymnastics Tai Chi is also very beneficial for type two diabetic patients. A study done to a group of elderly shows after 8 weeks doing tai chi exercise, their blood glucose levels decreased. This shows the existence of health benefits for patients of type 2 diabetes.

In addition to gymnastics diabetes and tai chi, yoga is also one of a choice of types of exercise are good for diabetics. Yoga is an art that combines body movement of sports to build flexibility, strength, and balance. It is very useful for people with chronic health conditions, including diabetes. 

Yoga movement believed to decrease stress and improve nerve function and mental health. Yoga can also improve blood glucose levels and improve muscle mass. The type 2 diabetics can also benefit from the yoga movement. 

In addition to rewarding to help lose weight, yoga is also beneficial to reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Yoga prevents an increase in the risk of heart disease and overcomes the factors triggering heart diseases such as stress, excess weight, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

To begin a yoga practice as part of the gymnastics diabetes, you could start by looking at videos about gymnastics to yoga to learn the basic movements in yoga so you can feel the results first before deciding to follow class Special yoga.

Diverse exercises supporting other diabetes gymnastics can be done among others, walk, swim, and dance or dance. Walking is the most popular sport and is highly recommended for diabetics. Did walk three times a week, for thirty minutes to an hour to walk fast. This can help increase your physical activity.

Meanwhile, dance or dance is not only useful for lowering blood sugar and reduce stress but can also increase the power of the brain and improve memory. The swim is beneficial to stretch and relaxes the muscles without put pressure on the joints. This is useful to improve blood sugar levels and burn calories as well as lowering stress levels.
Tips on Safely Do Gymnastics Diabetes and Exercise other supporters

To minimize the risk, there are a few things you need to consider before doing gymnastics diabetes or other exercises, among other things:

• Check your blood sugar before and after various gymnastics diabetes above or another exercise to see how the response your body against the exercise that you do.

• For patients of diabetes type I and II, be sure your blood sugar levels exist in numbers less than 250 mg/dl before exercising. Because exercising with blood sugar levels more than 250 mg/dl are at risk of Ketoacidosis that may be life-threatening due to the lack of insulin in the blood.

• Do heating and cooling each for five minutes.

• Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise to prevent dehydration.

• To avoid sugar levels too low, prepare something that can quickly raise your blood sugar levels, such as candy, glucose tablets, or juice.
• Use the shoes and socks are comfortable and cover the distance.

• Stop sports activities You feel dizziness or shortness of breath suddenly.

In order for maximum results and minimize risk, consult a doctor first before doing a wide range of sporting activities, good gymnastics diabetes or other supporting exercises.
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