Supplements: calcium, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin K
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Calcium is a type of mineral that is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth. In addition, calcium is also needed for nerves, heart, and blood clotting system in order to function properly.
Sometimes the human body requires higher calcium intake, especially during periods of growth during childhood, as well as in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Calcium can be found in foods such as milk, cheese, tofu, tempeh, spinach, broccoli, beans, and sardines. In addition, calcium intake can also be obtained from calcium supplements.
Calcium supplements can be used to treat and prevent calcium deficiency, as well as reduce the levels of phosphate.
Trademarks: Calciflavone, Calc-Os, Calnic, Calnic Plus, Caltrax, Ketocid, Lactercon, Osfit DHA, Ossoral, Osteocare, Renoguard, Renosteril, Tonar.
• For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, adjust the dose calcium supplements with the advice of a doctor.
• Ask dose calcium supplements for children to see a doctor.
• For patients with disorders of the kidneys, heart, Sarcoidosis, bone tumors, as well as for those with deposits of calcium in the blood and urinary is very high, it is advisable to not taking calcium supplements unless prescribed by a doctor.
• Intake of calcium is very important for pregnant and nursing mothers. However, to avoid excessive amounts of calcium consumption because it was feared could have an impact on the health of mother and baby.
• In case of an allergic reaction or an overdose, soon encountered the doctor.
Calcium Dosage
Calcium does be given based on the severity of the deficiency or the needs of a person. In adults, generally a dose of 1000-1200 mg a day enough to prevent and treat calcium deficiency. While in children, usually the doctor will adjust the dose of calcium with their age. Do not consume more than 1500 mg of calcium per day.
Consume Calcium properly
Use calcium supplements in accordance with the description on the packaging or the advice of a doctor if prescribed by a doctor.
Make sure there is enough time distance between one dosage with the next dose.
For patients who forget taking calcium supplements, it is advisable to immediately do so if pause by the next consumption schedule not too close. If it is close, ignore and do not double the dose.
Drug Interactions
For someone who was taking any medication for heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, it is recommended not to consume it together with calcium supplements. This is because calcium supplements can make these drugs not absorbed by the body. The consumption of calcium supplements one to two hours before or after consumption of other drugs.
Learn about the side effects and dangers of calcium supplements
If consumed with just the recommended calcium supplements will not harm and very rarely causes side effects. But if these mineral supplements were consumed in high doses, can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a nutrient that is essential for the function of the blood, skin, and central nervous system. You can get vitamin B6 through other types of food, such as sweet potatoes, chicken at, meat chicken or beef, eggs, salmon and tuna, beans, avocados, bananas, carrots, spinach, milk, and cheese.
Vitamin B6 supplements given in people with a deficiency of vitamin B6 (for example due to malnutrition), morning sickness, resolve certain types of anemia (anemia sideroblastic), and spasms associated vitamin B6 (pyridoxine-dependent seizure).
In addition, a supplement of vitamin B6 is also often given to prevent tuberculosis medication side effects (isoniazid), however, these conditions still require further research.
The Number Of Nutritional Adequacy (Rda) Of Vitamin B6
The number of nutritional adequacies (RDA) daily vitamin B6 vary based on age, gender, and health conditions of each. Know the daily RDA of vitamin B6:
• the age 0-6 months: 0.1 mg.
• the age 7-12 months: 0.3 mg.
• Age of 1-3 years: 0.5 mg.
• Age of 4-8 years: 0.6 mg.
• Age of 9-13 years: 1 mg.
• boys ages 14-50 years: 1.3 mg.
• men's practice of age above 50 years: 1.7 mg.
• women aged 14-18 years: 1.2 mg.
• women aged 19-50 years: 1.3 mg.
• women aged over 50 years: 1.5 mg.
• pregnant women: 1.9 mg.
• nursing mothers: 2 mg.
Trademarks: Liconam-10, Pyridoxine HCL, Vitamin B6.
• tell the doctor about the use of drugs, including other vitamins or herbs regularly consumed.
• caution on the use of long-term, discuss with your doctor about the benefits and risks.
• in case of an allergic reaction or an overdose, soon encountered the doctor.
Taking Vitamin B6 Supplements correctly
Read the rules of use are printed on the packaging, or call the doctor if anything is not clear. Don't be taking vitamin B6 supplements exceeding the recommended dose.
This supplement should be consumed when eating. Try taking vitamin B6 supplements at the same time each day for the results of an effective treatment.
For those who have inadvertently missed schedule taking the supplement of vitamin B6, it is advisable to immediately do it so reminded if the pause with a schedule the next drink not too close. If it is close, ignore and do not double the dose.
Vitamin B6 Supplements interaction with other drugs
The following are the possible interactions can occur if using vitamin B6 supplements along with other medicines. Among these are:
• Reduce the effectiveness of vitamin B6 if used together with birth control pills, isoniazid, and the antibiotic penicillin.
• Lower the effectiveness of the remedy of l-dopa, phenytoin, and phenobarbital.
Learn about the side effects and dangers of Supplements Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 supplements rarely cause any side effects when consumed in recommended doses. Side effects resulting from the use of this supplement can be:
• a headache.
• sleepy.
• nausea.
• Tingling or numbness in the arms and legs.
Visit a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of allergic reactions in the form of itching and rashes arise on the skin, swelling of the face and tongue, severe headaches or shortness of breath.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K including the fat-soluble vitamins. This vitamin can be found in many foodstuffs, such as spinach, broccoli, soybeans, meat, eggs, strawberries, cereals, and vegetable oil. Adequacy of intake of vitamin K plays an important role in the process of blood clotting and bone health.
Vitamin K deficiency is rare in adults but often experienced by newborns. This deficiency can trigger the onset of bleeding difficult halted.
Trademarks: Prohem, Vitadion, Vitka Infant
Vitamin K, which functions as a supplement can be bought freely. As for the types of vitamin K which is used in hospitals to deal with bleeding require radar and prescription from a doctor.
• Women who are planning the pregnancy, new birth, or breastfeeding should ask a doctor before taking any supplements in vitamin k. Meanwhile, pregnant women should only consume it with the advice of a doctor.
• Do not consume the vitamin K exceeds the duration prescribed by the doctor.
• Please be careful taking vitamin K supplements if you use drugs you are using anticoagulants, suffered kidney disorders, as well as suffering from liver disorders.
• In case of allergic reaction or an overdose, soon encountered the doctor.
Doses Of Vitamin K
In General, the doses to treat a vitamin K deficiency in adults is 10-40 mg per day. While in children, please ask the doctor. Determination of vitamin K supplement doses depending on the severity of the deficiency and the response of the body against this supplement.
Meanwhile, to address bleeding, a dose of vitamin K will be determined by doctors who handle such cases at the hospital.
Consuming Vitamin K Supplements correctly
Use the appropriate vitamin K supplement description on the packaging. If you are in doubt, please check with the doctor.
Vitamin K supplementation can be consumed before or after a meal. These vitamins are absorbed by the body along with the fat from food.
Vitamin K supplementation during use, tell the doctor before undergoing any medical handling. This supplement will affect your blood clotting process.
You are also encouraged to undergo regular inspections to a doctor when experiencing a deficiency of vitamin K is done to monitor the progression of the condition as well as the effectiveness of this supplement.
For those who forget taking supplements of vitamin K, it is advisable to immediately do so if pause by the next consumption schedule not too close. If it is close, ignore and do not double the dose.
Vitamin K interaction with other drugs
There are a number of drugs that could potentially give rise to the undesirable reaction if consumed concurrently with vitamin K, some of which include:
• Antibiotics.
• Anticoagulant.
• Salicylates.
Learn about the side effects and dangers of Vitamin K
Some side effects that may occur after using the supplement vitamin K are:
• Sweating.
• Dizzy.
• Changes in the sense of taste.
• Skin (especially on the face and neck) are noticeably red, heat, or tingling.
Immediately to the nearest hospital or meet the doctor when symptoms appear:
• Feel like want to faint.
• Difficult breathing.
• The lips turn blue.
However, vitamin K supplements generally do not cause side effects if used according to the recommended rate.
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References :
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