Benefits of Walking Weight Loss

Benefits of Walking Weight Loss
photo/ Whether you want to lose weight but not heavy like sport? Sports such as running or cardio workout may sound very tiring for you. 

Quiet, do not have to lose weight with exercise excessively. You can still initiate an ideal weight with exercise is simple, i.e. walking. In addition to reducing weight, exercise walk also offers myriad benefits for your health. 

So, wait for what again? Immediately prepare Your sports shoes and start walking with the simple guide below.

Healthy benefits of the walk

Various health agencies and the Association of health workers throughout the world have agreed that walk was a very profitable sports health in General. 

In fact, exercise walking is considered the equivalent of sports training in the fitness center. If done regularly, exercise walk could help overcome various health problems below.

• Obesity

• Heart disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease
• Diabetes
• Anxiety disorders and depression
• Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and disorders or other cognitive function declines
• Arthritis Diseases
• Unbalanced Hormones
• The symptoms of PMS
• Various problems on the thyroid
• Weakness and lack of energy

Get to know the techniques of power walking

Sports walk requires different techniques with a walk. There are two techniques that are generally well known, i.e. a casual walk (strolling) and brisk walking (power walking). 

A leisurely walk is done with your normal speed while walking, for example, when you walk in the shopping mall or while heading somewhere. 

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As an image, you can still speak with a quiet walk without running out of breath. Walk for one hour can burn approximately as many as 238 calories.

Brisk walking or power walking is also known as the healthy way. To do a power walk, you need to run faster. Average speed power walking range in 5 to 7 kilometers per hour. 

If running away with this technique, you would have difficulty speaking without running out of breath. Power walking requires you to walk with steps that are longer than usual. 

In addition, the object when the spill is on the heel, then moved to the entire sole of the foot while moving forward. 

Be sure to keep your back erect during running and your head facing forward, not down. Both arms should be appointed on either side of the body to form a right angle or 90 degrees. 

During the walk, hike Your shoulders to the rhythm of the feet. To add to the intensity of the exercise, you could hold your abdominal muscles during walking.

Do a power walk for an hour and being able to burn calories as much as approximately 560 calories. However, keep in mind that power walking techniques should not directly be practiced without doing a warm-up or strolling in advance. 

You can also slightly open your mouth to help to breathe when doing a power walk. Before you start your exercise walk, make sure that Your sports shoes are still in good shape because of the risk of causing injury.   

How to lose weight in a way walk

The question that many appear reserved sports walking for weight loss is how long or far someone should run. 

Many people also questioned whether sports walk really effective to deal with the Agency. In fact, everyone has different body nature between each other. 

You may also have its own goals while exercising walk to lose weight. However, for maximum results, you should do sport regularly walk or at least three times a week. 

Read too : Best Exercise Fast Lose Weight
Here is a calculation that will help you measure and adjust its own sports walk that you need.

To burn calories 220

Start with a relaxing walk for 5 minutes. After that, do a power walk for half an hour. 

Before the end of your walk, sports do cooling down with a pleasant walk for 5 minutes. Power walking is equivalent to sports weights for an hour.

To burn calories 355

If you have enough spare time, start with a pleasant walk for 5 minutes. Continue with the power walk for 5 minutes. 

Reduce Your speed slightly to roughly 4 kilometers per hour. Walk for one minute with this speed. Then, back in power walking for 5 minutes. 

Repeat this rhythm up 6 times alternating. After that, end with a relaxing stroll or cooling for 3 to 5 minutes.

To burn calories 405

As always, start with a relaxing stroll in the form of warming for 5 minutes. Then, do a power walk for 2 minutes. 

Reduce the speed for about a minute and repeat until 15 times. To end sports walk, walk casually for 5 minutes.

If you want to burn more calories, look for walking tracks that offer a lot of climbs. Slowly, try also to extend your every move.

5 effective ways to lose weight by walking

If you don't like the sport of running, then you can select the ' walk as a way to help lose weight.

Walking is a great exercise that you can do anytime and anywhere. However, make sure you are also consuming a healthy diet to achieve your goals.
Below are some of the ways to lose weight through the foot.

• Walking Interspersed Breaks
While walking, take a moment to do a push up 15 times, 40 times the jump squats, and 40 times the jumping jacks. Thus, you can burn more calories. This is the most effective way to lose weight with Your foot.

• Running quickly
How much does Your road speed is important for weight loss other than how far you walk. To burn more calories every time, try to run faster. Take this road for sports 45-60 minutes during 5-6 days every week.

• Walk
If you want to make your body and mind more relaxed and stay healthy, then Sports Road is the right choice. Walking can help burn calories, it makes you feel better, and think more clearly. In addition, the foot can also help you fight stress and can improve your mood.

• Walking away
If you want to lose weight You walk, then you have to walk quite a distance, at least 2 times a week. Increase the distance You slowly each day to train Your stamina.

• Running Uphill

Although it will be difficult at first, walk uphill can really help you when you're trying to lose weight. Do it on a regular basis can make you more familiar.