Heart Attack - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Heart Attacks

Heart  Attack - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Heart Attacks

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- A heart attack is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the heart leading to stunted. This is an emergency medical condition that is usually caused by blood clotting or buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other elements. 

Impaired blood flow to the heart that can damage or destroy the heart muscle and can be fatal. In the medical world, a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction.

Here are the symptoms that may occur in people with heart attacks.

• Shortness of breath.
• Pain or pain in the chest.
• Feel weak and dizzy.
• Very restless or anxious.

A heart attack does not depend on the severity of chest pains that felt. Chest pain that is felt not necessarily happen to all those who feel the pain of the heart. 

Sometimes mild pain and misconstrued as usual, such as gastrointestinal disorders of gastric pain (ulcer). Conversely, not all chest pain is the result of a heart attack.

Therefore, it is important for us to always be wary of a variety of symptoms. Check with your doctor immediately to get quick and precise handling.

The Cause Of The Occurrence Of Heart Attacks

The main cause of the onset of heart attack is coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease occurs due to blockage of the major blood vessels that supply blood to the heart (coronary vessels). The blockage was caused by a build-up of cholesterol plaque in the form of a stick on the walls of blood vessels.

The cracked plaque which will result in the occurrence of blood clotting. Finally, the blood clotting will inhibit the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart via the coronary vessels. This is the condition that eventually led to a heart attack. Some factors that can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, among other things:

• Smoking.
• Diabetes.
• High cholesterol.
• High blood pressure.
• The habit of eating fatty foods.
• Excess weight or obesity.

Treatment of heart attack

A heart attack is an emergency medical condition that should be addressed as soon as possible. Immediately to the nearest hospital if you or someone suspected of having a heart attack.

For handling the first, immediate consumption of aspirin with a normal dose of 300 mg, but earlier make sure that sufferers are not allergic to aspirin. This medicine can help thin the blood and reduce the risk of further heart attacks.

The treatment given to heart attack sufferers are drugs to dissolve blood clots and a surgical procedure to restore the flow of blood toward the heart. Treatment that is done will be tailored to the severity of the condition of the heart attack sufferers. 

Heart attacks are severe or late handled could cause serious complications and even result in death. The complications that occur can appear immediately after the onset of a heart attack. Here are some of the complications that can occur due to a heart attack.

• Heart failure. This condition occurs when the heart cannot pump blood to the body effectively. Heart failure occurs because the heart muscle has been damaged permanently due to a heart attack is happening.

• Arrhythmias. The condition when the heartbeat becomes abnormal. The heart is beating the more toned up to finally stop ticking and there stop the heart or cardiac arrest.

• Cardiogenic Shock. The condition when the heart muscle is damaged and can no longer supply the blood to the body well. This causes the function body did not go well.

• Heart ruptured/cracked. The condition when the muscles, the wall, or the heart valves already cracked.

Sufferers of heart attack patients who are accompanied by complications often died before they reached a hospital.

Recovery and live odds

Someone can recover from a heart attack depends on the level of heart muscle damage that occurs. Nothing takes a few months and there is also that it took only a few weeks. The goal of the recovery process that is done is:

• Reduce the risk of recurrence of a heart attack. This can be done with a lifestyle change that is done of the patient himself. Including  "change " menu of food and consumption of drugs.

• Restore physical fitness. This aim is so that you can return to act according to your needs.

Death often occurs before the patient reaches the hospital, or within one month after the patient suffered a heart attack. 

If the patient manages to minutes for a month afterward, most likely for their minutes of life very good.

Live odds someone who never gets a heart attack depends on a few things. The first is the Studio patients. 
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When on Studio man who suffered a heart attack the older, the possibility of complications will increase.
Secondly, the severity of the heart attack also affects a person's life chances. 

The main thing is how severe heart muscle damage that occurs. While the third, the time it takes someone to get help when he suffered a heart attack. The longer handling heart attacks, then the chance of his life will be reduced.

Symptoms Of Heart Attack

A heart attack is an emergency medical condition that should be addressed as soon as possible. Soon the sounds to the Hospital (Electric Motor) If you or someone suspected of having a heart attack. 

Heart attack symptoms that can occur are:

• Shortness of breath.
• Pain or pain in the chest. Chest feels depressed, narrow, and temps in the middle. The pain is usually very severe, but there are some people who only feel mild pain. Sometimes in women, the elderly, and people with diabetes do not feel ill at Once TU.

• Pain in other body parts. Starting from the left arm especially authenticity, jaw, neck, back, and stomach as well.
• Feel nausea, indigestion occurs, and abdominal pain.
• Feel weak and easier headache.
• Nervous or anxious.
• A cough
• Sweating

All the symptoms mentioned above are not necessarily experienced by sufferers of all heart attacks. There are even some people who do not experience symptoms at once TU and others experience HEALING of heart disease. But the more symptoms you do not me feel again, chances are you will be having a heart attack increases.

A heart attack can appear suddenly, but sometimes, it could also appear before the early signs and symptoms of having a heart attack. The initial symptoms are usually a pain in the chest or angina.

The condition is triggered by fatigue at the moment and start working and take off with the rest. Own angina occurs because the blood supply of the heart sounds is reduced.

Angina symptoms similar to a heart attack, but will disappear after a while. Recognize difference attack of angina and heart attack. Angina usually can be controlled with drugs. 

Will prescribe the drug for consumption when the symptoms increased.
If the condition does not improve after the first dose is given, take the second dose at five minutes afterward. 

If the tagline, drinking the third dose five minutes after the second dose. But if after the third dose still can't relieve the symptoms appear, immediately to the Hospital (Electric Motor).

If you feel yourself or someone you know are experiencing heart attack symptoms, we recommend that you immediately to the Hospital (Electric Motor) to seek medical help. 

If this is not the case of a heart attack, it is better to ensure Your health condition than late receive help.

Other symptoms that appear due to a heart attack

Stop the heart can occur due to complications from a heart attack. Stop the heart occurs when the heart undergoes a spasm that eventually leads to stop ticking. 

Some of the symptoms that appear in people with non-stop heart patient is not moving, not breathing, and did not react when communicate or react to touch.

In the event of stopping the heart in a patient, the first aid that can be done is to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
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How to perform CPR is to put the heel of your hand on the breastbone just right in the middle of the chest. Place the other hand on top and hook the fingers of both hands. Use your body weight to compress the chest as deep as 5-6 cm. Repeat this technique until the ambulance arrived on the scene.

The Cause Of The Heart Attack

Heart attacks happen because the blood supply to the heart is interrupted. The heart needs a constant supply of blood containing oxygen, as well as with other organs and tissues in the body. If the heart does not get enough blood supply, the muscles of the heart would be broken and can finally die.

The heart muscle can be damaged which cannot be recovered if not immediately treated. The heart will stop beating if damage occurs on most of the heart, this is known as the stopping of the heart. In the end, this condition will cause death.

The main conditions that often lead to a heart attack are coronary heart disease. This is a condition in which the coronary vessels clogged by the buildup of cholesterol (plaque). 

After some time, the plaque will have a rift. As a result, blood clotting to occur at plaques that cracked it. The flow of blood supply through the coronary vessels toward the heart will be hindered by this clumping and finally lead to a heart attack.

In addition to coronary heart disease, here is another cause for heart attacks:

• Substance abuse. Nerve stimulant drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine (shabu) and methamphetamine (also known as Crystal Meth) can cause constriction of the coronary vessels, inhibit the blood supply, and triggered a heart attack. A heart attack happens on cocaine users become the leading cause of death at a young age.

• Aneurysm. It is a condition when there is a weakness in the wall of blood vessels. The weakened blood vessel walls eventually will not be able to withstand the pressure of the blood flowing through it. As a result, the blood vessels will go through the rift. If an aneurysm occurs in the coronary vessels, then obstructed blood flow and heart attacks occur.

• Hypoxia or lack of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen levels in the blood can be decreased due to toxicity or pulmonary function karbonmonoksida. As a result, a body attached to the blood that does not contain oxygen and eventually triggered a heart attack.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that contribute to the cause of occurrence of hoarding fat and finally narrow the blood vessels. Some of the factors mentioned below can be handled or removed to avoid the onset of a heart attack.

• Family health history. If there are close family members, especially parents and siblings who have a history of heart disease, your risk of experiencing it will be two-fold higher.

• Smoking. Karbonmonoksida and nicotine in cigarettes could increase pressure on the heart by making the heart work more quickly. Smoking can also cause the onset of blood clotting.

Chemicals in cigarettes can damage the lining of the coronary vessels. People who smoke are at risk 24 percent higher to experience heart disease.

• Diabetes. In type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, uncontrolled glucose levels in the blood are high damage coronary vessel walls. Diabetics more susceptible exposed to coronary heart disease.

• Hypertension or high blood pressure. The coronary vessel will become weak if hypertension is not handled.

• Obesity or overweight. This condition does not directly increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease or a heart attack. 

But this condition can be a trigger for the emergence of other risk factors. People with more weight tend to experience hypertension, eating fatty foods, and affected risk of diabetes.
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• Age and gender. Grew a person's age, likely to suffer from coronary heart disease has also increased. Men are more likely to be stricken with coronary heart disease than women.

• Liquor. Consuming alcoholic beverages in excess can cause hypertension and cholesterol levels to increase. As a result of the risk of developing coronary heart disease also increases. 

People who like to consume liquor tend to live a lifestyle that is worse, for example, smoke, eat fatty foods, and lack of exercise.

• Food. Foods that contain a lot of saturated fat increase cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks will also increase. To lower your cholesterol levels, you can change your diet and consuming drugs statins.

• Sports. Less exercise can result in obesity and hypertension, which will ultimately increase the risk of heart attacks.

• Air pollution. Based on the research, exposure to air pollution is mainly smoke vehicles, could increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

• Having problems with autoimmune diseases. Diseases such as arthritis, lupus, other autoimmune diseases and could increase the risk of having a heart attack.

• A history of preeclampsia while pregnant. Women who suffered preeclampsia or high blood pressure while pregnant are more at risk of having a heart attack.

The Treatment Of Heart Attacks

After having a heart attack, every minute of it more heart tissue that loses oxygen and finally breaks down and dies. Measures to prevent accidents and damage to the heart is to restore blood flow as soon as possible.

Drugs used

The following are the drugs that will be given to treat a heart attack.

• Aspirin. This drug is useful to reduce the clotting of blood. As an effect, the flow of blood still flowing through the vessels already narrowed.

• Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Medications (ACE inhibitors). These medications functions widen blood vessels and lower blood pressure so as to reduce the burden on the heart.

• Thrombolytic. This medication helps dissolve blood clots that block the flow of blood toward the heart. The faster the patient gets this medication after a heart attack, chances of survival will be increased, as well as fewer heart tissue damage.

• Antiplatelet Drug. These drugs prevent the formation of blood clots and keep the BLOB that is already occurring is not getting bigger.

• Nitroglycerin. These drugs improve blood flow to the heart by dilating the blood vessels.

• Blood-thinning Medications like heparin are also usually given to prevent blood clotting to occur again.

• Drug inhibitor of beta (Beta blockers). This remedy serves to slow the heart rate and protect the heart from adrenaline and noradrenaline in the body. This medication is usually given when the heart cannot pump blood to the whole body well.

• Painkillers (morphine). This medication may be given to relieve pain, anxiety, perceived or discomfort of the patient.

The operation and procedures of Handling heart attack
Here is a surgical procedure that may need to be done to follow up on the heart attack had occurred.

• Coronary Angioplasty. A catheter or a small pipe with a balloon at the tip is inserted into a large vein in the groin or arm. The balloon will be directed to the vessels that narrow in the heart. After being on that vessel, bloating balloon to open the blood vessels and also destroys plaque.
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• Heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). This surgery is done when there is a lot of coronary vessel blockage. Blood flow to the heart of the new line will be created. CABG involves the taking of a blood vessel from another part of the body, usually taken from the chest or leg, to be used as the new branch.

• Heart transplant. This is the procedure for the replacement of heart patients who have died with the donor's heart is still healthy. The donor came from people who had already died and got approval from the family of the deceased to donate their organ.

Recovery After Having A Heart Attack

If you survive after having a heart attack, recovery required can last many months. This restoration must be done gradually.

The main goal of this recovery process is to restore physical fitness to be able to resume daily activities (cardiac rehabilitation) and reduce the risk of a repeat heart attack.

Sufferers of heart attack patients will be advised to do the light activity or resting after from the hospital. Activities such as walking short distances and up and down stairs a few times can be done. 

Gradually, increase physical activity for several weeks. Recovery to the initial conditions depends on the patient's health in General and also the condition of the heart.

To find out the heart rehab program, you can find out and ask directly to hospitals in your area. This program is usually done one to two months after coming out of the hospital.

Cardiac rehabilitation programs are usually accompanied by some type of exercise depends on the options taken and done one or twice a week. 

Often associated with aerobic exercise. This exercise aims to strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, and improves blood circulation in the body.

The following things to note when undergoing recovery from a heart attack.

• Sexual activity. This activity usually can be done one to two months after having a heart attack. This activity does not increase the risk of a repeat heart attack, but some of the drugs to heart attack and the level of anxiety emotion one can affect sexual ability. Ask the doctor if you experience it and some medications can be prescribed to overcome it.

• Depression. Anxiety, fear, and trauma is a reasonable thing felt after having a heart attack. As a result of feelings of depression and continue to grieve may haunt the patient for a few weeks after coming out of the hospital. Immediately ask doctors how to cope with it, a person's emotional condition is also influential in the recovery process.
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• Return to work. The type of work and health conditions are very influential for determining whether and when you can return to work after having a heart attack. Ask and describe to the doctor regarding the type of work you and your overall medical condition before you decide to return to work.

• Driving a motor vehicle or machine. Before driving a vehicle or operating machinery, it is advisable to rest total after having a heart attack. 

About when you get to drive a motor vehicle again, this depends on the severity of your disease. Many people can drive it again a week after a heart attack. However, in more severe cases, a person must wait until a month before allowed to drive again. To make it more clear, ask advice to doctors.
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American Heart Association (2015). What Is A Heart Attack?
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