Tips for Short Hair Care - Beauty

Tips for Short Hair Care - Beauty Tips for Short Hair Care, Although long hair often becomes a dream most women, for a woman who has a lot of busyness, short hair became a choice deemed practical. Even so, it does not mean you can absent maintaining the health and beauty of your short hair.

How to maintain or take care of short hair on a woman is certainly not the same man with short hair. Women need a variety of ways so that the short hair still look pretty and groomed well.

Keep your short hair look by doing some easy tips below:

• Choosing the right hair care products

In order to preserve the health of your short hair, choosing the right hair care products (e.g. shampoos) still, need to be aware of. Adjust the shampoo with your hair type.

If you have dry hair, then select a shampoo with natural oils such as coconut oil, argan oil, grape seed oil, and avocado oil. For hair that is not problematic, use a shampoo that can help make your hair look fluffy.

Usually, on the packaging of shampoo will be written the word ' volumizing ' or add volume to the hair. If the hair is short you have experienced the process of coloring, choose a special shampoo for hair if you have oily hair type, avoid using hair softener, and use a special shampoo for oily hair.

• Styling your hair look without destroying it

Note the way you organize your short hair look. In order to get the hairdo that you want, such as a blow, you need to use a hairdryer.

Point your hair dryer from top to bottom, do not use it too close to touching the hair, and use moderate heat levels.

• Don't be too frequent shampooing

In order to maintain the health and beauty of your short hair, avoid washing your hair too often. This habit can make hair become dry and eliminate Your hair naturally moisturized.

As a consequence will make your hair look unhealthy. The more You rarely wear shampoo shampooing, the less hair care products you need to use. You just need to wash it one to two times a week for normal hair. For oily hair, you need to wash more frequently in a week.
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• Healthy food choices for hair

If you want to keep Your short hair stay healthy and beautiful, you also need to consume foods rich in nutrients needed hair. For example, by eating eggs, fish, legumes, poultry, meat, fat-free and low-fat milk rich in protein.

In addition, you also need to consume foods that contain zinc such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecan nuts, and green vegetables. For hair health, foods containing omega 3 fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardine, yogurt, and flaxseed are also advised to be consumed.

Even though it seemed more practical, short hair also still guarded his health in order to stay healthy and look beautiful. Take a good look at your hair care habits.

And remember to not only prevent them from the outside but also to guard it against the inside. Do the habit of consuming foods that are rich in nutrients for the health of your short hair. Please do not hesitate to consult a doctor about the problem on your hair.

Tips for Short Hair Care - Beauty

Short hair can make you look more trendy, fresh, and also sporty. Having short hair also turns out more benefits why Ladies.

In addition, to better facilitate you to arrange and take care of him. Especially for you who don't like the elaborate hairstyle and frequently overheating. For you caring for short hair to make it look more interesting and beautiful, these helpful tips that you can follow.
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1. Diligent clean hair

Clean the hair has become a necessity for anyone with long hair or short. It's just for you, no need to have short hair shampooing every day.

Unless thy hair is thin and easily drenched Yes, Ladies. Although fixed anyway, long or short, tid
AK it is recommended to wash every day. Because using the shampoo any time will make the hair of its natural moisture loss.

2. Diligent Combing Hair

Having short hair is not the reason for the sparse comb her hair, Ladies. Because short hair also needs to be taken care of as possible. One of them, by means of diligent combing of the hair. Combing the hair will make your hair look is always neatly so that the face will look more fresh and interesting.

3. Do not Recklessly Pick Shampoos

Each person has different scalp types. There are people who have skin type skinhead dry and oily dandruff so also can often appear and interfere with your activities.

For that, use a suitable shampoo scalp types appropriate to maintain and care for the health of the scalp. And remember, do not easily tempted by the cheaper price Yes, Ladies!

4. Use conditioner

Use the conditioner has a great many benefits to the hair of short, of whom can continue to maintain the humidity your natural hair and also make it easier for you to set it up.

Choose a conditioner that suits your skin type so that it does not cause dandruff. And use Conditioner every discharged wash Yes, Ladies! Lazy? EITs, right there is conditioner leave-in that did not need to be rinsed. So, don't no excuse for lazy again well.

5. Dry your Hair Properly

Drying the hair after showering and shampooing is exhausted, it is very important. Though a hair short, but nonetheless need to be drained properly, Ladies. Because this will reduce dirt or bacteria will stick due to the humid hair.

You can ' wrap ' thy hair with a towel for drying hair. After that, you can use a hair dryer or a fan. After the hair dry, then continued to organize them as usual.
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6. Hairdressing according to the wishes

An awful lot of women who are quickly bored and saturated with her hair. There is a desire to change it in the hope it can look more attractive and certainly makes you will look more trendy with the latest hairstyles.

Can not be denied, so too with you that has a short haircut certainly have the desire for styling your hair with a different style every day. It also certainly be okay to do, Ladies.

As long as it does not damage the hair. Simply use or curling hair when you are tired, and occasionally perform treatments at the salon also doesn't hurt.

Well, that is some short hair care tips you need to know when it will decide to cut it. Good luck!

Vann, m. r. Everyday Health (2013). 8 Healthy Hair Tips From the Salon.
Healthline (2017). 9 Tricks for Healthier, Fuller-Looking Hair.
Web MD (2017). Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair.
Watson, s. Web MD (2012). Your Guide to Shampoos and Conditioners.