Beauty-Green tea benefits for skin

Beauty-Green tea benefits for skin There are various benefits of green tea for beauty. Some of these are a beauty for skin and hair. Check out more information in the reviews here!

A number of studies show that green tea contains various nutrients that are not only good for the health of the body but also beneficial for beauty, especially the skin and hair. 

The content of nutrients in green tea very much, including vitamins A, B, C as well as deposits of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, and selenium. Green tea also contains amino acids and compounds such as pigments, chlorophyll, and carotenoids.

Green tea benefits for health and beauty thought to derive from a high antioxidant content. Antioxidant itself serves as a powerful weapon to fight the free radicals that can damage the body's cells, causing premature aging and many diseases. 

The antioxidants in green tea catechins and polyphenols, i.e., has proven to have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer even. Catechins are also anti-inflammatory effective for combating a wide range of skin problems.

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Green tea benefits for beauty outside-In

Green tea benefits for the beauty you can get with consuming as drinks or by applying green tea extract to the skin, either in the form of masks, scrubs, or a variety of other skin care products containing green tea extract.

Here are some uses of green tea that is believed to be beneficial for beauty:

• Natural Sunscreen

Based on the results of the research in the laboratory, epigallocatechin gallate compounds found in green tea acts as a natural sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to UV rays and bad influence of sunlight, such as skin cancer. The content of green tea in some skin care products are known to be damming and softens the skin, as well as improving skin elasticity.

• Prevent premature aging of the skin

Many products that are known to use anti wrinkles cream green tea extract.  Benefits of green tea for skin beauty this one comes from the content of vitamin C and other antioxidant compounds that act against the signs of premature aging of the skin, such as wrinkles and dull skin problems.

Antioxidant compounds also help fight free-radical damage, even enlightening black spots due to the bad influence of UV rays. Vitamin C in green tea can also manage the production of the oil glands to prevent acne and reduce inflammation.

• Cool the skin is sunburned

The cold compress of green tea bags will eliminate the pain and redness on skin sunburn. The nature of anti-inflammatory in green tea will work to cool down while preventing skin cancer due to the influence of sunlight. But the data regarding the effect of green tea on the skin is still not consistent and needs to be examined further.

• Overcoming the panda eyes or eye pouch

Tired and lack of rest can cause an onset of the SAC of the eye or the eye of the panda. Well, the cold compress of green tea bags will reduce swelling in the eyes because of weary. This is because there is the content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in green tea is good to improve the skin condition.

• Treating acne 

A number of studies show that the use of green tea extract, either taken or applied topically on the skin, can prevent and treat acne. The content of polyphenol is proven to reduce sebum production in the oil glands which trigger the onset of acne.

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• Address the problem of hair loss

As with the other members of the body, the hair also needs nutritional intake in order to awake the health and beauty. Nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss. 

The good news, there are some vitamins that are beneficial to cope with hair loss. And it can be obtained from green tea. The content of vitamin B, C, and E are present in green tea is the nutrients necessary for healthy hair growth.

A number of clinical studies showed the presence of green tea benefits for beauty. However, the evidence of related clinical benefits of green tea for human beauty is still limited, so further research is needed to determine the magnitude of the benefits, as well as a dose of safe usage.

To reap the benefits of green tea for maximum beauty needs to be coupled with healthy living patterns, i.e. applying the pattern of healthy eating routine, exercise, cleanliness of body and environment, enough rest, quitting smoking, and avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke.

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