Beauty - Benefits of Coconuts for health and beauty

Beauty - Benefits of Coconuts for health and beauty Coconut fruit contains many important nutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as vitamin C, fiber, protein, potassium, and magnesium. Plus more, coconuts are also low in carbohydrates and calories.

It's no secret when the Palm is a plant that almost all its parts can be utilized. Especially the coconut fruit meat containing a variety of nutritional content, make it not only good for your health, but also for beauty.

Coconut Fruit for health benefits

The nutrients contained in the coconut fruit can be obtained from the whole fruit, such as meat and coconut milk, even after being processed into coconut milk and coconut oil.
Coconut water can refresh the throat while drunk, was also able to prevent dehydration by restoring body fluids after performing the strenuous activity, such as exercise or due to diarrhea.

For more details, here are some benefits of coconut water that you can take advantage of:

• Fight against free radicals

Coconut water is antioxidants, so being able to cope with the free radicals that can damage cells in the body.

• Overcome disease

Coconut milk can also be used to tackle a number of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, as well as disorders of the kidneys.

•Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders

Coconut water is believed to be able to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders.
Not only is coconut water coconut fruit, but meat can also be processed into coconut milk as one of the main ingredients in making dishes.

Coconut milk will add to the flavor of the cuisine and has a number of benefits, including:

• Reduce inflammation or swelling.
• Reduce injuries on the surface of the stomach.
• Fight bacteria and viruses.

However, further research is still needed to prove the effectiveness of coconut milk in overcoming various problems.

Benefits of Coconuts for beauty

Nutritional owned coconut can be used for beauty. For example, coconut oil is widely used as natural materials a number of beauty products.

According to research, natural deposits found in coconut oil could help maintain the health of hair, damming dry, clean the mushrooms around the heel, as well as prevent skin disease.

Beauty products made from coconut oil can be sold in solid forms like a cream or liquid form, such as lotions. Before you buy cosmetic products for skin made from coconut oil, you are encouraged to choose products that contain 100% coconut oil.

In addition to using products made from coconut oil, you can also take the natural benefits of coconut oil for beauty:

• Coconut oil for hair

You can use coconut oil by way of applying it to dry hair. Let stand for 20-30 minutes, then clean with running water. You can also use it as a softener hair, so the hair looks tidy and fragrant.
• Coconut oil for skin

Coconut oil has antifungal properties and effects of damming can dry skin. You just put it on to dry so that the skin feels soft and prevent mold in the soles of the feet. You can also use it on the lips for overcoming the lips dry and chapped.

Diverse benefits of coconuts for health and beauty, some are still in need of further research. Should avoid excessive consumption of coconut fruit to prevent side effects, as well as to stop the use of coconut products if cause allergic reactions. Consulting a doctor for advice on the proper use and consumption.
Heiser, c. Everyday Health (2018). 5 Ways Coconut Oil Can Save Your Skin and Hair.
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