Gonorrhea - Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea - Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Gonorrhea

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Or gonorrhea Gonorrhea is one of the sexually transmitted diseases that are common and is caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. Both men and women can contract the disease. Gonococcus bacteria normally found in the penis and vaginal fluid of an infected person.

The bacterial disease can strike the rectum, cervix (the cervix), urethra (urinary tract and sperm), eyes, and throat.

Gonorrhea is most often transmitted through sex, such as oral sex or anal sex toys, contaminated or not coated with a new condom for each use, and having sex without using a condom. 

The infant may also become infected when the birth process if his mother contracted the disease gonorrhea and commonly infect the baby's eyes, to potentially result in permanent blindness.

Gonorrhea bacteria cannot survive outside the human body for a long time, that's why Gonorrhea is not infectious through toilet holder, tableware, towels, shared swimming pool, sharing glasses, kisses, and hugs.

Symptoms Of Gonorrhea

About 10 percent of infected men and 50 percent of women who are infected do not experience the symptoms of so many sufferers gonorrhea pass it on to their partners unwittingly.

Usually, it is easier to recognize the symptoms of gonorrhea in men than women because early symptoms in women may be very mild or not so obvious so often erroneously considered a vaginal infection or urinary tract infection. 

Nevertheless, the infection will spread to the female pelvic organs if not treated immediately and can cause bleeding in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and pain during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of gonorrhea often appear, in both men and women, among them is during urination will feel pain or burning and discharge of viscous liquids such as yellow or green pus from the penis or vagina. Therefore, the disease is known as ' gonorrhea '.
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Diagnosis Of Gonorrhea

There are several ways to enforce a diagnosis of gonorrhea in a person. In most cases, doctors will conduct testing samples of fluid from the vagina or penis and then examined in a laboratory.

In women, the doctor or nurse will usually use a cotton bud to take a sample of the fluid in the vagina or mouth of the uterus. However, the doctor may also be able to ask a patient to use a tampon in order to take a sample of the fluid. This procedure is painless, but the patient will probably feel a little uncomfortable.

The procedure is slightly different in men, in which the doctor may examine the patient urine samples for later review the results in the laboratory. Examination of the urine is less accurate results on the patient woman. In addition, the doctor may also be taking a sample of the fluid that comes out at the end of the penis by using a cotton bud.

Treatment and prevention of Gonorrhea

The doctor will usually give one a shot of antibiotics and one tablet of antibiotics to treat gonorrhea, and recommend that you come back again for one or two weeks after the initial treatment for re-examination and ensure bacteria gonorrhea has been lost completely.

Symptoms of gonorrhea bacteria will improve after a few days if done effective treatment and as soon as possible. But if left unchecked, could be a serious problem.

To prevent transmission to other people or infected back, you and your spouse should not have sex until treatment really thoroughly and re-examination has proved negative.

You can be exposed to the disease gonorrhea back if you don't have sex that is healthy and safe. The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is alternated with no pair, no sexual intercourse outside of marriage, and use condoms if sex.

Symptoms Of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea infections often do not cause symptoms. But when the symptoms appear, the infection gonorrhea can affect various organs other than the reproductive system.

Incubation period or time of exposure to the bacteria to appear symptoms usually around 10 days. But this is not the same for each sufferer, and sometimes didn't appear until months.

One of the conditions that cause the disease do not get it for a while is because about 10 percent of infected men and 50 percent of women who are infected do not experience symptoms at all.

Symptoms of gonorrhea often appear, in both men and women, which are painful urination or burning and discharge of liquids is not normal colored white, yellow, or green from the vagina or penis.

In addition, there are also the symptoms in men are rare, such as pain in the testicles, as well as inflammation or swelling of the foreskin.
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Some women may also experience symptoms such as fever, menstruation, bleeding after sex, lower abdominal pain, swelling of the vulva, and bleeding between menstrual periods.

Men and women can also be exposed to the infection in the throat, anal, and oral sex because of or anal.

Conjunctivitis can happen if sperm or vaginal fluid of an infected eye. Infection of the eye can cause swelling, fluid discharge from the eyes, irritation, and pain. While infection in throat usually does not cause symptoms.

Infection in the rectum can cause discharge of fluids, pain, and discomfort. Gonorrhea can also infect joints and make joints ached when actuated, swollen, red, warm feel to it.
If Gonorrhea is left well enough alone and not properly treated, the infection will continue to evolve and there are chances of serious complications, including fertility. 

So it is highly recommended to check me if you feel you have the risk of being infected, even though it has no obvious symptoms, or symptoms had disappeared by itself.

Gonorrhea infection from mother to baby

Symptoms in newborns can be seen from her eyes, and usually appear during the first two weeks. An example is a red eye, swelling and discharge are thick like pus. To prevent transmission from mother to infant, the mother could be taking antibiotics while pregnant or even while breastfeeding.

Diagnosis Of Gonorrhea

The only way to know if you are exposed to gonorrhea is checked with a doctor. Don't delay to check me to a doctor if you suspect that you or a spouse contracted gonorrhea or another venereal disease.

Usually, it is recommended to wait until a week after sex to do the examination. Nevertheless, the inspection could be carried out after a few days of having sex.

The risk of complications such as infection of the testicles or pelvic inflammatory disease can be reduced by early diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. It is much more difficult to treat complications arising due to long-term infection, that's why immediately checking yourself.
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If you are experiencing the conditions as mentioned below, it is recommended you saw a doctor.

• Have other sexually transmitted diseases?
• You or your spouse think have symptoms of gonorrhea as fluid is not as usual from the vagina or penis.
• Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
• Sexual partners had other sexually transmitted diseases.
• You or your spouse have sex without a condom with someone else.

Examination Of Gonorrhea

There are several ways to check for gonorrhea. But the most widely used way is to take a sample of fluid from suspected infected body parts, such as the vagina, penis, rectum, throat or Ureta.

Examination of liquids is done using a tool resembling a cotton bud. In women, the doctor will wipe this tool to vaginal or cervical (via examinations in). 

The doctor may also take a sample from the tip of the urinary tract (urethra). The liquid is then sent to a laboratory to be examined further.
In men, in addition to conducting an examination of the fluid that comes out of the tip of the penis, a doctor will likely perform a urine examination. Prior to the examination of urine, you are advised to not urinary at least two hours prior to the examination so that germs do not join the gerbils out with the urine so as to affect the inspection results in the laboratory.

In addition, your doctor will probably recommend a test for other sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV), because gonorrhea increases the risk of other infections, one of which is the chlamydia (Chlamydia).

The Treatment Of Gonorrhea

Doctors will usually provide short-term antibiotics to treat gonorrhea. If you experience any of the conditions below, you should immediately do the treatment.

• There are most likely exposed to gonorrhea, even though the results of the examination are not yet out.
• Your partner is known to suffer from gonorrhea.
• Examination shows you suffer from gonorrhea.

It is very important for checked and treat your sexual partner because gonorrhea can be transmitted easily through sexual intercourse. If one partner has gonorrhea, the other spouse is also a possibility of contracting gonorrhea.

For pregnant and lactating women, the treatment of gonorrhea can be done with antibiotics because the drug is not to be bad for the baby was conceived. 

Usually, antibiotics will also be given immediately after the baby is born, that babies who were infected have symptoms of gonorrhea or who have a high risk of being infected because her mother suffered from gonorrhea.

Treatment of gonorrhea is most often done is with a single injection of antibiotics (usually on the thighs or buttocks), followed by one tablet of antibiotics. 
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If you don't want the shots, the doctor will likely replace them with antibiotic tablets again. This treatment is usually supported by other drugs therapies.

Symptoms of gonorrhea usually will subside a few days after treatment. But for the pain in the testicle or pelvic bone, could take two weeks to disappear completely. So it is with excessive bleeding when menstruation, will improve on the next menstrual cycle.

To prevent transmission to other people or infected back, you and your spouse are not allowed to have sex until treatment really thoroughly.

Further examination will be carried out two weeks after the first treatment to see if the infection has been lost completely.

Treatment of gonorrhea that has been successful before does not make you immune to the disease gonorrhea. You could still be infected again if performing unprotected sex.
Be sure to follow the advice of a doctor. 

If you do not follow the recommended dose, infection gonorrhea may not be healed. Soon encountered the doctor if, after treatment, symptoms failed to improve.
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