Failure Heart - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Heart Failure

Failure Heart - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Heart Failure Heart failure is a condition when the heart muscle becomes very weak so it cannot pump enough blood to the entire body. This condition is also known by the term of congestive heart failure. The onset of heart failure is usually triggered by health problems, such as:

• Coronary heart disease.
• Arrhythmias or heart rhythm disturbances.
• Cardiomyopathy or heart muscle disorders.
• Damage to heart valves.
• Hypertension or high blood pressure.
• Hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid gland.
• Anemia or a lack of red blood cells.
• Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle.
• Heart defect since birth.
• Diabetes.

There are four types of heart failure, including:

• Left heart failure (the heart's left ventricle cannot pump blood to the whole body causes the body to lack blood containing oxygen).

• The right heart failure (damage to the right ventricle of the heart that causes process oxygen in the lungs by blood doesn't go well).

• Systolic heart failure (the heart muscle cannot contract properly so that the process of channeling blood containing oxygen throughout the body becomes disrupted).

• Diastolic heart failure (the heart blood filled hard due to stiffness in the muscles).

Symptoms of heart failure

Based on a span of the development of symptoms, heart failure is divided into two, namely chronic and acute. In chronic heart failure, symptoms develop gradually and long. While in acute heart failure, symptoms develop rapidly. The main symptoms of heart failure are:

• Shortness of breath, both when activity nor rest.
• The body feels tired all the time.
• Swelling of the feet and ankles.

Diagnosis of heart failure

There are several tests that can be performed to diagnose heart failure, including an Echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and blood tests.

These tests are important to do to help the doctor find out the level of the heart function of heart failure and the types of patients suffered. Treatment options will be determined based on the results of the examination.
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Treatment of heart failure

Someone who suffered heart failure does not mean the heart has stopped working, but the power pump heart faint. Therefore they are experiencing this condition requires treatment to slow the worsening of the disease as well as control the symptoms as long as possible.

In most case, heart failure is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured completely. In such cases, the handling of which consists of a combination of drugs, equipment, and operation of the cantilever of the heart need to be done in accordance with the State of the sufferer.

The effectiveness of treatment of heart failure is not the only task of the doctor, but must also be supported by the cooperation of patients with living the healthy life patterns.

Prevention of heart failure

The following are some things you can do to prevent heart failure, including:

• Eat healthy foods and limit the intake of salt, fat, and sugar. Examples of healthy foods are the fruit and vegetable, high-protein food (e.g. meat, fish, or nuts), foods that contain starch (such as rice, potatoes, or bread), and food made from processed ingredients are milk or milk.

• Keep your weight by exercising regularly.
• Stop smoking and limit your consumption of liquor.
• Keeping cholesterol levels and blood pressure in healthy limits.

Symptoms Of Heart Failure

The main symptoms of heart failure are shortness of breath and feeling tired all day. This disease can also make the blood supply to the kidneys become less so in the body fluid buildup to a drive that is characterized by:

• Swelling of the feet (including ankles) and stomach
• Weight gain
• Frequency increased urination at night.

In addition to kidneys, heart failure also makes the blood supply to the muscles and other important organs are reduced. This can make the sufferer experiencing:

• Weak.
• Confused.
• Dizzy.
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In a handful of cases, heart failure can also cause symptoms such as:

• Wheezing
• A cough that worsens at night
• Flatulence
• Irregular heart palpitations (palpitations)
• A fast heartbeat
• Reduced appetite
• Weight loss
• Fainting
• Anxious
• Depression

Shortness of breath due to heart failure is usually the more noticeably when the sufferer lying flat. Some of them also had a night's sleep is disrupted due to shortness of breath very good so it should sit or stand to get a breath of air. 

As for the symptoms of swelling of the feet, usually, subside in time of the morning, but returned to deteriorate during the day.

Symptoms of heart failure can vary on each sufferer. Check with your doctor if you are feeling the symptoms of heart failure. For those who already suffer from this disease, check with your doctor immediately if symptoms worsen existing or other symptoms arise. This is signs that treatment hasn't been done successfully.

The Cause Of The Heart Failure

The onset of heart failure is usually triggered by health problems, such as:

• Hypertension. Blood pressure is the force required to pump blood to the whole body each time. If high blood pressure, then this can cause the heart to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body and the heart muscle to thicken will automatically to compensate for increased performance. 

If this continues, then ultimately the heart too weighed down and no longer strong enough to pump blood effectively. His muscles become weak, or it could also be too stiff.

• Coronary heart disease and heart attacks. This condition makes the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart is decreased due to the narrows of the arteries by a pile of fat. When the blood vessels to the heart muscle are completely blocked and the flow of oxygen to all parts of the heart become cut off, there was a heart attack. 
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A heart attack can make the heart pump power is weakened or even cause permanent damage to the heart muscle walls.

• Cardiomyopathy or damage to the heart muscle. There are several factors that can increase a person's risk of experiencing cardiomyopathy, including genetic or heredity, chemotherapy drug use, drug abuse, alcoholism, and infections.

• Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle. This disease can sometimes evolve and leads to heart failure left. Generally, the cause of the myocarditis is the virus infection.

• Heart valve Damage. Heart valve function keeps the blood flowing through the heart of the remain on track. If a damaged heart valve, then the blood flow can be compromised. This has resulted in increasing the workload on the heart muscle.

• Heart rhythm Disorders. These conditions may cause heart rate or rhythm became too slow or too fast. Pace too slow will reduce the supply of blood from the heart to the body. While the pace is too fast, it can make your heart work too hard. Both of these conditions will gradually lead to heart failure.

• Hipertioridisme. People who suffer from this disease, thyroid gland in the body produces excess thyroid hormone. When the hormone levels are high, then the heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature will increase anyway.

• Anemia. When a person is anemic, then her body was retrieved from the lack of oxygen in the blood. If the condition is left untreated then damage to the organs in the body, including the heart, it can happen.

• Diabetes. People suffering from diabetes have high blood pressure and risk of coronary heart disease are on the rise.

• Heart defect since birth. Most babies born with the condition most heart valves or chambers are not perfectly formed. This situation can cause heart and other parts still healthy must work harder in pumping blood. In the end, it could potentially lead to heart failure.

Treatment Of Heart Failure

Heart failure is a dangerous health problem that may threaten the lives of its victims. Even this disease can increase the risk of sudden death. 

Therefore, sufferers of heart failure should get proper treatment in accordance with the severity of the condition.

Most of the sufferer's heart failure had to change her lifestyle and medication in the long run or even lifetime so that symptoms can be controlled. 

Several other sufferers have symptoms that are more severe in fact forced to cantilever tool hooked up to heart, doing surgery, or even undergo a heart transplant to survive.

Heart failure handling aims to:
• Relieve symptoms of heart failure.
• Help the heart become stronger.
• Allow the sufferer can live longer in normal.

• Lower risk of sudden death.
The following are some of the drugs that can be used to treat heart failure.

• Diuretics. This medicine can help you reduce fluid in the body through water disposal of urine. Some examples of frequently used diuretic medications are furosemide and bumetanide. Diuretics can relieve symptoms of shortness of breath and swelling of the ankles in people with heart failure.

• Drug inhibitor of beta. This medication can slow the heart rate and protect the organs from the substance of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the body. An example of this is the medication nebivolol, carvedilol, bisoprolol and.
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• Enzyme angiotensin inhibitor Drugs modifier or an ACE inhibitor. These drugs can reduce blood pressure by widened blood vessels so the heart in easier pumping blood throughout the body. Examples of drugs ACE inhibitor is perindopril, lisinopril, enalapril, captopril, and ramipril.

• Brominated aldosterone. The performance of the drug is almost the same as a diuretic, i.e. reducing the excess fluid in the body. The difference with a diuretic is a drug inhibitor of aldosterone does not cause potassium wasted from the body. 

However, it can also cause high levels of calcium in the body. It is advisable to always consult the use of this medicine with your doctor. An example of this is drug eplerenone and spironolactone.

• Angiotensin receptor inhibitor Medicine or ARB. Just like a drug inhibitor of the enzyme ACE angiotensin or modifier inhabitor, ARBS work with how to reduce blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. 

Although not as effective as ACE inhibitors, ARBS do not cause coughing. An example of this is drug valsartan, losartan, telmisartan, and candesartan.

• Digoxin. The drug is usually prescribed in people with heart failure the symptoms failed to pass by the diuretic, the ACE inhibitor drugs beta, inhibitors, and ARB. Digoxin can slow the heart rate and increases the strength of the muscle contraction.

• Ivabradine. This medication is generally made into alternatives in people with heart failure who cannot consume drugs inhibitor of beta and also as an extra if drug inhibitor beta, not enough in slowing the heart rate. 

These drugs slow down the heart rate and are only suitable for those who experience side effects due to a drug inhibitor of beta.

• The combination of hydralazine and nitrates. The combination of these two drugs is capable of reducing the pressure and dilates the blood vessels, and is usually given in people with heart failure who are intolerant towards ACE inhibitors or ARBS.
Here are some types of surgery for heart failure:

• Bypass surgery or angioplasty. This operation is performed to address heart failure caused by coronary heart disease (a condition when a number of heart blood vessels clogged). 

Through operation bypass, blood can flow back through the new paths that are created around the blood vessels clogged seamlessly so that heart attack and angina can be prevented. 

In some cases, bypass surgery can improve the function of the heart muscle. There are two types of bypass surgery, namely by using a small balloon to spans the narrow or clogged vessels, and by diverting the flow of blood from the blood vessels narrow or clogged blood vessel to another that is still healthy.

• Heart valve Surgery. If heart failure caused by damage to the heart valves, then the operation can be performed. There are two types of heart valve operations, i.e. operations to repair a valve and operation to replace a valve.

• Heart transplant Operations. This operation is performed if the handling of heart failure with drugs as well as other operations does not meet results. 

Through the operation of heart transplantation, patients who are already damaged heart was replaced with that of the donor. But this procedure is not easy, given the higher risks will these actions as well as the difficulty of getting a donor heart and the fit with the patient.
The following are some tools that can be paired in sufferers of heart failure:

• Tools-pumping of the heart. This tool is installed by doctors to help patients of severe heart failure in order to stay alive, good for those who can not be treated again by any means or for those who are waiting for a donor's heart. 

This mechanical device mounted on the heart to make the organ still ticking (mostly mounted in the left ventricle of the heart).

• Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The CRT also was known as trigger heart biventricular. This tool can help heart failure patients who have problems with the electrical system in the heart of the heart to contract so that they are not harmonized. CRT send electrical impulses to the left and right ventricles to pump efficiently.
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• Implantable telescope cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD). The function of this device is the same as a pacemaker. A device that is connected to the heart through blood vessels will continue to monitor the heart rate. 

If heartbeat weakens or even stop, then the ICD will be sending signals in order to shock the heart back beating normally.

• CRT-D. This device is a combination of Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and Implantable telescope cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) that is mounted on a patient's condition requires assistance provided by both these tools.

If you suffer from heart failure, the healing could not depend on drugs or surgery, but also must be supported with a healthy lifestyle, such as:

• Exercise regularly.
• Eat healthy foods that recommended the doctor.
• Stop smoking and limit your consumption of liquor.

The following are some things you can do to Your heart failure symptoms did not worsen, among them:

• Routine saw a doctor.
• Regularly monitor the symptoms you feel.
• Regularly monitor your weight.
• Limit salt consumption.
• Discipline in taking any medication from a doctor.
• Limit consumption of liquids.

The following are some of the types of medications that should be avoided by sufferers of heart failure:

• Anti-arrhythmia Medicine that has the effect of weakening the strength of heart muscle contraction such as flecainide.
• Drug siklooksigenase enzyme inhibitor 2 (COX-2 inhibitor)
• Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS).
• Lithium.
• Medications Antidepressants trisiklik
• Corticosteroids
• Calcium channel inhibitor Drugs like verapamil and diltiazem (only amlodipine which may be used.
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