Buran - Understanding, Symptoms, and Buran Care You Need to Know

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Healthy-best.blogspot.com-  Buran or urticaria is a reaction of the skin characterized by red or white stripes that feels itchy. These stripes may appear in one part of the body or spread to other parts of the body. The size and shape of the stripes can vary from a few millimeters up to of the hand. One of the common causes of Buran is allergic.

In addition to itch, rash on the case of Buran could also feel stung or stinging. These rashes can appear in all parts of the body, including the face, lips, tongue, throat, and ears. 

Symptoms of Buran could last for a few hours or days.

There are different types of urticaria. Urticaria that happens for less than six weeks is referred to as acute urticaria. In addition, there are also cases of urticaria that lasts more than six weeks or are recurrent for several months or even years. 

A rare condition is known as chronic urticaria. Chronic urticaria can be just a symptom of another disease that is being suffered, such as thyroid disease or lupus.

In addition to the acute and chronic urticaria, there were also referred to as physical urticaria and dermatographism. Physical urticaria caused by physical stimulation directly on the skin, such as the stimulation of hot or cold temperatures, sunlight, pressure, vibration, or sweat. While the dermatographism is a skin condition that is formed after scratching the skin.

Buran is itself a condition commonly experienced by everyone at all ages. However, Buran occurs more frequently in children and women at the age of 30-60 years. In addition, people who have a history of allergies were also more at risk to experience it.

The cause of the Buran or Urticaria

The appearance of stripes on the skin is triggered by high levels of histamine and other chemical compounds released by the layers under the skin, causing tissue swelling. Histamine can sometimes cause leaking of fluid plasma from the blood vessels, so the fluid buildup or angioedema. 

Excess fluid is also a cause of skin swollen and itch. The release of histamine which causes the Buran can be triggered, among other things:

The following are some of the things that can cause the onset of Buran:

• Exposure to heat or cold.
• Contact with a trigger or cause allergies (e.g. insect bites).
• Certain drugs (such as antibiotics and drugs a bitter taste nonsteroid)
• Infection (e.g. influenza).

The exact cause of urticaria is uncertain. However, several factors can also aggravate existing symptoms, among them is the consumption of alcohol or caffeinated drinks, stress, hot air and temperature.

How to recognize the Buran or Urticaria on skin

Doctors can ascertain whether a patient is exposed to the Buran through the examination of stripes or rash on the skin directly. 

Besides doing the examination, the doctor will also ask history Buran to ascertain the cause. If the Buran had already lasted for days or exceeds six weeks, means it is certain that the cause is not allergic.
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How to treat the Buran or Urticaria

Buran or urticaria generally does not require special treatment. These symptoms will usually disappear in a few days. If it feels very disturbing, drug antihistamines can be used to overcome a sense of the itch. For more severe cases, consume tablets of corticosteroids.

Buran or Urticaria and illnesses that accompany

Some health conditions may accompany the Buran, two of which are the angioedema and anaphylaxis.

Angioedema is a swelling of the deeper layers of the skin. This swelling usually occurs in the eyes, lips, and genitalia.

While Anaphylaxis is severe and occurs suddenly to can lead to death. This condition is considered to be an emergency situation because some of the symptoms are extreme. The following are other anaphylactic symptoms, i.e.:

• Swelling of the eyelids, lips, hands, and feet.
• Shortness of breath caused by constriction of the Airways.
• Dizzy.
• Fainting.
• Pain and nausea in the stomach.
• Vomiting.

People who suffer from asthma or skin disease eczema are more at risk to experience anaphylaxis than others. Although the condition is critical, anaphylaxis sufferers can recover completely the origin is handled correctly and quickly.

Symptoms Of The Buran

Stripes that appear due to Buran usually feels very itchy with size and location vary. Some symptoms or signs Buran, namely:

• Stripes or a rash shaped like an oval or almost like a worm.
• Strong itching.
• Red or white.

The width of the stripes or rashes may reach several centimeters. There are several factors that can trigger symptoms worsen Buran is being experienced, namely:

• Stress Condition
• Alcoholic beverages or contain caffeine.
• The temperature of the hot air.
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To avoid the above factors in order not to aggravate the symptoms experienced by the Buran. If the symptoms are severe and feel Buran lasts more than a few days, soon encountered the doctor.

Urticaria Vasculitis

Urticarial vasculitis is a condition when the blood vessels in the skin undergo inflammatory or inflammation. This rare type of urticaria. Stripes on this type of the last longer than one day. In addition feels much more pain, stripes, it also can leave bruises.

The case of the Buran most lightweight and can recover in two days. Handling or treatment that is performed is adapted to the level of symptoms experienced and contributing factor.

Acute Urticaria

Treatment that is given to address acute Buran is:

•. Antihistamines. These drugs stop the itching and reduce the stripes that appear by way of inhibiting histamine. 

This drug is not recommended to be given to pregnant women because its security is not known. Examples of drugs antihistamines loratadine, cetirizine is, and fexofenadine.

• Corticosteroids. This drug is given to reduce symptoms of severe Buran. Corticosteroids work by inhibiting the performance of the immune system. 

An example of the cure is prednisolone. These drugs are not for consumption in the long term. Long-term use can cause side effects such as hypertension, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes.
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Chronic Urticaria

Drugs used to treat chronic urticaria or persist for more than six weeks are:

• Antihistamines H1 and H2. For symptoms of Buran appears, it is advisable to consume the antihistamine dosages taken are adjusted with the symptoms encountered.

When the appearance of the rash is severe, the more drugs antihistamines H2 can be consumed to overcome the condition of the rash way narrowed its blood vessels. Antihistamines H2 have side effects such as a headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. 

Do not operate tool or vehicle weight if taking these drugs. Antihistamines H2 commonly given include cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine.

• Corticosteroids. Chronic relapsing urticaria with severe can also be treated with corticosteroids. This drug side effect is increased appetite, weight gain, mood swings and difficulty sleeping. Therefore it is not recommended to be used in the long term.

• Leukotriene receptor antagonists. These drugs help reduce the swelling and redness on the skin. Side effects such as nausea and mild enough headaches so it could be used for long periods of time.

• Omalizumab. This drug may reduce the type of antibodies in the body which acts causing the Buran. This medicine is given through injections.

• Cyclosporine. Just like corticosteroids, this drug also inhibits the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's cells healthy. The side effects of this drug causes including hypertension, kidney problems, headaches, blood cholesterol rise, tremor or shaking, and increase the risk of developing an infection.

There are several ways to help relieve the symptoms being experienced due to urticaria:

• Avoid scratching the part that appears stripes or rash.
• Do not wear SOAP containing harsh chemicals.
• Keep exposed skin area Buran remains cold, not closed tight clothes, and Tan lotion smeared air or given cold compresses to help soothe skin and avoid scratching the skin ...
• Use clothes that are loose and light.
• Avoid trigger factors such as additives in food, alcoholic beverages, drugs, pain relief hot or cold conditions and stress.
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You can lower the risk for the exposed Buran with:

• Precipitating factors Minghindari. Avoid a few things such as drugs, food, stress, and the temperature can help reduce the frequency of recurrence. The trigger factor is different from one person to another, so it's important for everyone to identify anything can trigger this condition.

• Food. In some cases, the Buran can be caused by food. Therefore, you can prevent the occurrence of Buran later by doing the recording will be what kinds of foods can aggravate or cause the Buran. 

You can consult with a nutritionist to make sure You still get the best nutritional intake.
Kanani, et al. (2011). Urticaria and Angioedema. AACI, DOI: 10.1186/1710-1492-7-S1-S9.
Moolani, et al. (2016). Advances in Understanding and Managing Chronic Urticaria. F1000Research, DOI: 10.12688/f1000research. 7246.1.
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