Brain Tumor - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Brain Tumor A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or around the brain organ. A brain tumor can attack anybody, but the majority of the case occurred in adults.

There are various types of brain tumors that are differentiated into two groups based on its development, namely, benign tumors (not cancerous) and malignant tumors (cancerous). 

Tumors that grow in the brain known as the primary brain tumors while tumors that grow in other parts of the body and spreads to the brain is referred to as secondary or metastatic brain tumors.

Brain tumor levels from level 1 to level 4. These groupings are based on the behavior of the tumor itself, such as the location of the tumor growth, the speed of growth, and how its spread. Brain tumors are classified as the benign and malignant potential is not in level 1 and 2. 

While on level 3 and 4, usually already potentially become cancerous and often referred to as malignant brain tumors or brain cancer.
The following are the different types of benign brain tumor growth by location, i.e.:

• Glioma. These tumors grow on glia tissue (the tissue that binds to nerve cells and fibers) and the spinal cord. Most cases of brain tumor that occurs are the type of glioma.

• Meningiomas. These tumors grow on membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord. Most of these tumors are not cancerous.

• Hemangioblastoma. These tumors grow on the blood vessels of the brain. This condition can cause partial paralysis and convulsions.

• Acoustic Neuroma. These tumors grow on the acoustic nerve (the nerve that serves to help control balance and hearing).

• pituitary Adenoma. These tumors grow on the pituitary glands (small glands located on the bottom of the brain). Most of these tumors are benign but can affect the pituitary hormone with effects throughout the body.

• Kraniofaringioma. Tumors are mostly experienced by children and adolescents is growing near the base of the brain. Although rare, these tumors can affect the pituitary gland in the brain that serves to release the hormone in the body, to other brain structures.

• Medulloblastoma. This is a type of tumor that is cancerous and most experienced by children. These tumors grow from the bottom on the back of the brain and tend to spread to the spinal cord fluid.

• primitive neuroectodermal Tumors (PNETs). This is a rare type of tumor is cancerous. This type of tumor can grow in any part of the brain and fetal cells from the brain.

• Tumor cells germinal. Tumors of this type usually develop in childhood when testicle or ovaries begin to form. These tumors can sometimes be moved to other parts of the body, such as the brain.

In addition to the types of tumors at the top, there is also a tumor consisting of several kinds of tumors, or tumors combined with different levels. The handling is done is very dependent on the location of the tumor, the tumor malignancy, as well as the condition of your health.

This page discusses the specific brain tumor (benign) stage 1 and 2. Please read the brain cancer to know more about the malignant brain tumor.

Symptoms Of A Brain Tumor

Brain tumor symptoms vary greatly between one another. Symptoms that appear influenced by size, the speed of growth, and location of the tumor. 

Tumors that grow slowly may initially do not cause any symptoms. After some time, the tumor will put pressure on the brain which causes the appearance of symptoms, such as seizures and headaches. 

A brain tumor that is at a particular location can interfere with the working of the brain so that the system is not functioning properly.

Causes Of Brain Tumor

Up to now the main cause of most cases of benign brain tumors remains unknown. There are several factors that can increase the risk of someone affected by a brain tumor. Hereditary factors and also the side effects of the radiotherapy procedure are two of them.
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Treatment Of Brain Tumor

Diagnosis and treatment are done early on will facilitate the handling of a brain tumor. If not immediately treated, this condition can become serious. 

Brain tumor usually does not spread and just quietly in one place only. However, a brain tumor could provide pressure and damage to the surrounding area. 

Treatment that is done depends on the type, size, and location of the tumor.
Tumor removal surgery procedure usually delivers effective and tumors did not recur.

However, in the case of a brain tumor glioma stadium 2, the condition often reappear after patients undergo treatment. In addition, these tumors also potentially turn into malignant brain tumors with deployment and faster growth.

To help in the recovery process, the doctor will suggest some kind of therapy. You can talk about the emotional impact of the diagnosis and treatment of a tumor by doing the counseling.

Symptoms Of A Brain Tumor

Brain tumor symptoms vary greatly and depend on the location, size, or the growth rate of the tumor itself. Tumors that grow slowly at first may not cause any symptoms. 

After a brain tumor begun to put pressure on the brain or make some brain function cannot work properly, the symptoms will start to appear.

The following are some of the symptoms of a brain tumor based on the location of his appearance:

• A small Brain or cerebellum. A tumor in this part can cause the loss of function of coordination, difficulty walking and talking, eyes blinking constantly, stiff neck, and vomiting.

• The brain stem. A tumor in this section could lead to difficulty walking, paralyzed the muscles of the face, shaded views, as well as difficulty talking and swallowing.

• The frontal lobe. A tumor in this section could lead to a change in attitude, loss of sense of smell, and is weak on one side of the body.

• Parietal Lobe. A tumor in this section can lead to difficulty speaking, understanding words, writing, reading, and controlling movement. In addition, one part of the body can also experience numbness.

• Both occipital Lobe. A tumor in this section can cause loss of vision on one side.

• The temporal lobe. A tumor in this section can lead to convulsions, fainting, disturbance of speech or memory, and the sensation of smell strange.

• The frontal lobe. A tumor in this section could lead to changes in personality, weakness on one side of the body, and loss of ability to kiss.

There are some symptoms that could potentially arise when tumors pressing the inside of the skull, among them:

• Dizziness or a severe headache and ongoing (especially when looked down or a cough).
• Seizures.
• Easy sleepy.
• Daze.
• Hallucinating.
• A change of character.
• Impaired hearing or vision.
• Disturbance of the balance of the body.
• Tough talk.
• Impaired movement of the hands or feet.

Meet the doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of dizziness or a severe headache and sustainable in the absence of a clear cause, especially if accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
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Causes Of Brain Tumor

Not yet known for sure what causes the person suffers from primary brain tumors (tumors that first appeared in the brain or tissue surrounding the brain). 

It is estimated that primary brain tumors begin to arise when normal cells encounter errors or mutations of DNA. The mutation makes cells grow and multiply at a faster rate, as well as stay alive when healthy cells are dead. 

Resulted in a buildup of abnormal cells and form a tumor.

Primary brain tumors are rarer than secondary brain tumors (brain tumor originating from cancers that grow in other parts of the body and then spread to the brain).

There are several factors that can increase a person's risk of experiencing brain tumors, which are:

• Age. The risk of experiencing a brain tumor will increase when your age increased because brain tumors are more common in the elderly. But it should be realized that the brain tumor can appear at any age. There are several types of tumors that appear only in children.

• Hereditary factors. If there are families who have experienced a brain tumor, then the risk of someone to have a brain tumor. In addition, there are several offspring that could increase the risk of experiencing a benign brain tumor, including neurofibromatosis type 1 and 2, Turcot syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, Li-Fraumeni cancer syndrome, and multiple sclerosis tuberose. Such conditions are likely to cause cancers to appear in childhood and early adolescence.

• Exposure to radiation. Exposure to a type of radiation known as ionization radiation can increase the risk of developing a brain tumor. Ionization radiation can affect humans when they undergo radiation therapy or exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb explosion. 

While the waves of radiation emanating from the Tower of power, cell phone, and microwave are not yet proven to be associated with brain tumors.

Secondary brain tumors are more common. This risky condition occurs in people who have a history of cancer. Here are some types of cancer can cause secondary brain tumors:

• Bowel cancer.
• Breast cancer.
• Kidney cancer.
• Melanoma.
• Lung cancer.
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The Diagnosis Of A Brain Tumor

The increasing pressure on the skull is one sign of the tumor in the brain. If you are experiencing severe headaches and sustainable, and suspect him as symptoms of a brain tumor, soon encountered the doctor. 

If upon examination was found to the existence of potential tumor growth, you will be advised to see a doctor brain and nerve specialist (neurologist).

Brain tumors are diagnosed based on the perceived symptoms, physical examination, and the results of some tests. Physical examination includes:

• Hearing and vision.
• Reactions and reflexes (such as swallowing or lifting the knees).
• Facial muscles (such as smiling and grinning).
• The strength of the body.
• Balance and coordination.
• The sensitivity of the skin.

While further tests that might be recommended are:

• Computerized tomography (CT) scan. Scanning with the help of x-rays was done in order to get a picture of the inside of the brain clearly.

• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The goal is the same as a CT scan. But on an MRI scan, the scan is performed using a strong magnetic field and radio waves.

• Elektroensefalogram (EEG). Brain activity will be recorded using electrodes.

• Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The scan is performed to check the function of the tissues and organs of the body.

• Biopsy (tissue sampling). This was done in order to determine the type of tumor and suitable treatment.

Treatment Of Brain Tumor

The treatment of brain tumors is highly dependent upon the type, size, and location of the tumor. Health conditions, in General, will also be considered in this regard.

In most cases of benign brain tumors, the surgical procedure usually is enough to remove the tumor. But tumors that grow gradually will usually grow back after treatment and potentially turn into malignant (cancer). 

A malignant tumor will tend to spread and grow quickly. If you are a sufferer of benign tumors, make sure to keep checks on a regular basis even though You've finished treatment...

Here's some type of treatment in the case of a brain tumor, among them:

• Chemotherapy. This method of treatment is done for benign tumors shrinking. Chemotherapy is done with the use of drugs to kill the tumor cells and is given in the form of tablets, injections, or infusions.
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• Radiotherapy. The same as chemotherapy, radiotherapy is also aiming to shrink benign tumors. The process uses energy radiation (usually x-rays) to kill tumor cells.

• Surgical removal of the tumor. The operation was aimed at lifting the tumor as much as possible without damaging the surrounding tissue. This action requires a process of shaving the hair prior to hollow out the part that has the tumor. For anesthesia will be done during this process.

• Radiosurgery. Sometimes the tumors appear in the hard part was made without damaging the surrounding tissue. In such a condition, the procedure will be considered as radiosurgery solution. 

During radiosurgery is done, fairly high energy Radiation directed at the tumor to kill their cells. Radiosurgery procedure does not take a long time and her recovery is very quick. 

However, not all hospitals provide procedures

• Drug. You will be given medication to help cope with symptoms caused by tumors, both before and after the operation. 

Examples of drugs that will be given are anticonvulsants to prevent convulsions, corticosteroids to reduce the swelling around the tumor, pain relief to cope with dizziness, and antiemesis to reduce nausea.

Usually, you will be accompanied by a team of medical specialists to determine the best treatment in dealing with your condition. You can also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method of treatment to be taken.

The Recovery Process

To help speed up the recovery process, you typically will be advised by a doctor to follow advanced therapies. Some examples of such therapies which are:

• Physiotherapy, to help restore muscle strength and motor skills that were lost due to the tumor.

• Occupational therapy, to help identify issues related to daily activities. In this regard, the occupational therapist will help give advice on replacement equipment and supplies at home and at the Office in makes it easy to live the daily activities.

• Speech therapy, to help cope with a disruption in talk or swallow.

• Therapy for children of school age of therapy is done to restore the memory or the ability to think they are impaired due to tumors.

After undergoing brain tumor surgery, you will need adjustments on a portion of her everyday activities, for example:
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• Driving and traveling. You should stop driving if it is or ever was suffering from a brain tumor. By conducting a consultation with a doctor who handles, there is still the possibility for you to be able to drive again. 

Traveling by plane usually will be allowed back at least three months after treatment.

• Return to work. You will feel tired more easily. It is recommended to work part-time in advance before you feel ready to work full time.

• Sexual activity. Sex can be done after doctors declared it safe to do. Especially for women, it is recommended to continue to wear birth control for 6 months to a year after chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

• Exercise. We recommend that you avoid sports that involve physical contact directly, such as boxing. You need approval from a doctor if you want to start exercising again. 

For at least one year after the treatment, you are not advised to swim without any oversight because there is the risk of experiencing a seizure while in the water.
Collins, v. (2004). Brain Tumours: Classification and Genes. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 75 (Suppl 2), pp. ii2 – ii11. 
Butowski, NA. (2015). Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Brain Tumors. Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.), 21 (2 Neuro-oncology), pp. 301-13. 
Cancer.Net (2017). Brain Tumors: Symptoms and Signs. 
NHS Choices UK (2017). Health A-Z. Benign Brain Tumour (Non-cancerous). 
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases and Conditions. Brain Tumor.