How to get rid of acne with honey-Acne

How to get rid of acne with honey-Acne How to get rid of acne with honey allegedly effective because honey has antibacterial effects and anti-inflammatory. Although these allegations have not been supported by scientific evidence and facts are accurate, honey has long been utilized by communities to address acne, as well as for various other purposes.

Honey is one of the alternative acne treatment that is often used. Despite the fact that, until now, has not been proven and recognized honey really effective in removing acne

The antibacterial effect of honey

The result was the users of honey for acne treatment is very diverse. There are some who claim to successfully eliminate acne or make the face shine. However, not everyone has a similar effect.

One of the many types of honey called able to help eliminate acne that is manuka honey from New Zealand. The ability is then associated with the research that mention manuka honey has antibacterial effects and help the healing of wounds.

Indeed, since the first honey is widely used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Substances in honey are considered to have the capability of addressing the infection of bacteria and fungi. When applied topically on the skin, honey would be protective for the damming and provide nutrients to speed healing.
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Bacteria indeed is one of the main factors cause acne, oil production Overload, in addition, a heap of dead skin cells, and the pores are clogged. 

So, to treat acne, one of which is to overcome bacterial infections while reducing process inflammation, in addition, to reduce the oil in the skin and accelerates the process of cell regeneration.

A study mentioned manuka honey is the most effective to help cope with the injuries than the other two types of honey. It's just that, from such research found data that the benefits of honey are not showed significant results as a way to remove acne. Therefore, how to get rid of acne with honey still needs to be researched further.

A Variety Of Other Benefits

Despite how to remove acne with honey until now has not been ascertained, but honey is known to help cope with burns. In addition, honey also has a range of other benefits to health if consumed.

Rather than get rid of acne with honey, this material could be used to treat wounds sunburned and mild degree burns. 

A limited number of studies show that honey also has benefits against other types of cuts, including the cutthroat wound, a wound after surgery, and chronic wounds on the feet. Unknown, honey could reduce the pus and stink on a wound, clean cuts, reduce infection and pain, as well as shorten the healing time.

In addition, honey is known to be able to help relieve coughing if drunk before bed. A study shows honey will stimulate the production of saliva. 
Acne - Cure Acne Naturally
Saliva this will encourage the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract, the respiratory tract so that it remains wet and cough will subside. Research also shows that the benefits of honey for coughs as good as cough medicine.

Honey is also thought to have an impact as both a deterrent to diabetes. This is because honey has a low glycemic index but has a sweet taste that is not inferior to regular sugar. 

Foods with low glycemic index have the ability to release sugar more slowly in the body, so as to prevent a spike in blood sugar levels.

Do not rely solely on how to get rid of acne with honey, as it has not been scientifically proven. If the acne is increasingly disturbing and not immediately lost, immediately checking the skin to a specialist to get a proper handling. 

And if you like to eat honey along with other medications, should consult a doctor first.
Minden-Birkenmaier, B., G. Bowlin & NCBI. Honey-Based Templates in Wound Healing and Tissue Engineering. Bioengineering. 2018.5 (2), pp. 46.
MEO, et al. NCBI. Role of honey in the modern medicine. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2017.24 (5), pp. 975-978.
McLoone, et al. NCBI. Honey: A Therapeutic Agent for Disorders of the Skin. Central Asian Journal of Global Health. 2016.5 (1), pp. 241.
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