How to clean your face properly - Beauty

How to clean your face properly - Beauty The study shows 50% of women don't wash your face properly and not using the right products. Though already regularly cleanse the face.

The work that piled up as well as the exhausting trip home, sometimes makes mattresses look more attractive than having to clean your face properly. 

But ignoring the clean face a day can make a pore clogged, triggering acne, and can even cause premature aging.

Not only that, underestimate how to clean the face of the right can also affect the skin condition of the face. Therefore, it is important for women to better understand how to clean the face properly. In order that the Mission has a bright and beautiful face can be achieved.

Not sure of the type of your facial skin?

Before further to how to clean your face properly. Let's learn more about how this type of skin near your face. 

It is important that this type of facial cleanser that you use more precise objectives and in accordance with the type of your facial skin.

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Someone with oily facial skin will have large pores, oily, and looks shiny. This type of facial skin it is recommended to wear oil-free facial cleanser SOAP or oil-free toner and to remove excess oil.

You can also use SOAP-based gel facial cleanser because it can clean up the oil well.

Dry facial skin will tend to be rough and scaly. For this type of facial skin, it is advisable to avoid face cleanser containing alcohol. And, use a gentle facial cleanser so that no skin is getting dry.

If you have sensitive skin, you will be more likely to feel itching or smarting after wearing certain cosmetic treatments or products. Whereas, if you have a normal face skin, facial skin will look cleaner, and insensitive.

Facial skin care with keeping it clean

Now you already recognize the type of skin and the right kind of face cleanser. The next step is to extend your facial skin by keeping it clean. 

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The following are the steps clean the face you need to know to achieve the Mission has a face free of dullness. Well, but before you start it. Remember to clean your hands first.

1. Clean your makeup before you wash your face with water.

Think that washing your face with SOAP is enough to remove the makeup? You are mistaken. Clean the face of the truth is by removing the makeup in advance using the liquid remover. To clean the stubborn eye makeup such as mascara and eyeliner, you can wear a special liquid remover with oil-based.

2. Clean with a soft

It was only after that washing your face with face wash SOAP in accordance with your facial skin. In addition to using your fingers, you also can use the special sponge or washcloth to the face. When you're done washing your face with SOAP, wash the remaining SOAP on your face with warm water. Do not use water that is too cold or hot, as it can damage capillaries and irritate the skin.

3. Drain the face gently and use a clean towel

Clean face, does not mean free towel dry the face with a potluck. Do not use a towel hand dryer hanging in the sink. 

Although it looks clean, still there are many bacteria stick. When you are finished cleaning the face and provide care on your face. 

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Try to keep hygiene your face and around your bed. Always replace with a clean pillowcase or tataki with the clean cloth.

In addition, remember not to overdo it in cleaning up the face. Clean your face too often just as bad by not cleaning the face at all. 

Even if your face is blotchy, clean face too often can also aggravate acne condition. So, did you already know how to clean the face right?

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