Tetanus - Treatment Of Tetanus

Tetanus - Treatment Of Tetanus

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- The diagnosis of tetanus is not determined by laboratory tests but based on clinical manifestations. At an early stage, the doctor will usually perform a physical examination while asking for a history of vaccination and disease sufferers. Type of vaccination has ever received as well as the symptoms experienced will also be asked in detail.

The sufferer to the doctor in case of seizure will be given first aid and directly referred to the hospital to get intensive care. the intensive Handling methods generally include:

• Relieve spasm and soothe patients by giving drug limp muscle and sedative.

• Cleanse the wound, for example, get rid of any dirt or dead tissue as well as raised sharp objects left on the wound. This process is done to destroy the spores and bacterial tetanus.

• Neutralize the neurotoxin are still free. How this is done by administering tetanus immunoglobulin.

• Give medicines to stop the production of a neurotoxin with antimicrobial and antibiotics to deadly bacteria Clostridium and symptoms.

• The use of a ventilator or breathing AIDS if tetanus affects muscles of breathing.

• Provides the nutrients through the hose or drip so that people with no experience of dehydration and malnutrition.
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• Do the trial baring (bedrest) in a dark and quiet room. Slightest physical stimulus can potentially cause a recurrence of the cycle of spasm.

• Providing vaccinations, Tetanus. Keep in mind that ever contracted tetanus does not mean you will be immune afterward. Therefore, patients who have never received the vaccination, have a history of vaccination are incomplete, or are not sure ever vaccinated, should undergo vaccination with tetanus.

Precautions Tetanus
The main steps to prevent tetanus is through vaccination. In Asia and Europe alone, tetanus vaccination is one of the 5 mandatory immunization for children.

Tetanus immunization is given as part of the DTP vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis). The process of vaccination must be given in 5 stages, i.e. at the age of 2, 4, 6, 18 months, and 4-6 years.

For children aged over 7 years, the Td vaccine is available that serves also provides protection against tetanus diphtheria at once. Td vaccination process needs to be repeated every 10 years to maintain body immunity against tetanus and diphtheria.

In addition to the prevention of tetanus vaccine, can also be done by always keep clean the wound so that it does not suffer infection and heal faster. Administering tetanus toxoid also usually recommended by doctors to prevent the occurrence of infections of tetanus in the wound.

The Risk Of Complications, Tetanus

Tetanus infection is not immediately addressed can lead to complications and fatal, especially for people with that have not undergone vaccination. A number of serious complications that can be experienced by people with are:

• Aspiration Pneumonia due to inhalation of people with foreign objects gets into the lungs, such as saliva, vomit, food, or beverages.

• Pulmonary Emboli, particularly on the elderly and users of illegal drugs. This complication occurs when there is a blockage in the blood vessels in the lungs.
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• Breath suddenly stops. This condition is caused by the rigidity of the muscles around the vocal cords so that sufferers cannot breathe and suffocate. 

This complication generally occurs in people with tetanus to the severity is high and could culminate in death due to sudden heart performance stalled due to lack of oxygen.

• Broken bones due to prolonged contractions and spasms.
References :
Hassel, b. (2013). Tetanus: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and the Possibility of Using Botulinum Toxin against Tetanus-Induced Rigidity and Spasms. Toxins, 5 (1), pp 73 – 83.
Govindaraj, GM. Riyaz, a. (2014). Current Practice in the Management of Tetanus. Critical Care, 18 (3), pp. 145.
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