What are the restrictions for diabetics

What are the restrictions for diabetics

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Diabetics should pay attention to the daily food menu. For example, avoid white rice and replace them with brown rice or brown rice. In addition to rice, food, whatever be the abstinence of diabetes?

For diabetics, selecting food intake is very important. Because, there are certain food groups that should be consumed, but there are also other food groups that are best avoided. 

The goal is to let diabetics have blood sugar levels are controlled.

Diabetes dietary restrictions to be aware of.

For diabetics, food intake setting is one form of treatment that must be traveled. This is a list of good and bad foods for consumption for diabetic patients:

• Carbohydrates

The body needs carbohydrates in addition power. But, avoid consuming carbohydrates in the form of white rice, white bread, and fries. 
Also, avoid cereals that contain a lot of sugar, but few fibers. Instead, choose Brown rice, bread from whole-grains, or a baked sweet potato.

• Protein

Abstinence is next diabetes fried meat, poultry skin, fried fish, and fried tofu. Diabetics can get protein from meat, skinless chicken breast meat is boiled, steamed or boiled tofu, grilled fish, eggs, and nuts.

• Dairy Products

The dairy products are abstinence diabetes is full cream milk, ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. But, the diabetics can still consume other dairy products, such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese.

• Drinks and fruits

The fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates, but it has a fat content and low salt. Diabetics should avoid bottled drinks, fruit-flavored drinks fruit juice that is already mixed the sugar, canned fruit and already added sugar syrup. 

Fruit jams already added sugar should also be avoided. As an alternative, choose fresh fruits, fruit juice is not the originally added sweeteners whatsoever or jam that does not contain sugar. 

Diabetics should also avoid drinking sweet tea, coffee with sugar and cream, fizzy drinks, alcoholic drinks, and drink the stamina Enhancer (energy drink). 

In addition to whitewater, the diabetics can still consume the tea without sugar, coffee with low-fat milk and sugar substitute.

• Vegetables

Vegetables are a good source of fiber for health. However, avoid eating vegetables plus sauce, cheese, and butter. 

In addition, try to set aside canned vegetables which have been added a lot of salt from the daily menu. If salt consumption should be limited, avoid vegetables that had already been made into pickles. Choose fresh vegetables. Can be eaten raw or processed by way of briefly steamed or baked.

What If People With Diabetes Keep Consuming Food Abstinence?

If diabetics keep consuming foods that are supposed to be abstinence, can experience a spike in blood sugar. As a result, possible complications, such as increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and nerve damage. 

Cardiovascular disease who may suffer among other things was a heart attack, stroke, and blood vessel constriction.

While nerve damage may cause symptoms of tingling in the tips of the toes, numbness, even pain, which may spread to the upper limb. 

This complication occurs due to high sugar levels can hurt the walls of capillaries (small blood vessels) which serves to nourish nerve cells. If nerve damage occurs in the digestive section, can cause diarrhea and constipation. Erectile dysfunction can also occur in men due to nerve damage.

Intake of healthy foods can help meet the needs of nutrition while keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Therefore, if you suffer from diabetes, should avoid food abstinence of diabetes already mentioned above. 
You can also consult a doctor of nutrition-related settings menu foods that suit your conditions.
Refrences :
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases & Conditions. Diabetes.
Cassoobhoy, a. WebMD (2017). Best and Worst Foods for Diabetes.
Spritzler, f. Healthline (2017). 11 Foods to • Avoid With Diabetes.
Stöppler, m. MedicineNet (2017). Diabetic Diet: Foods That Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels.