Meditation - Prevention and treatment of Headaches

Meditation - Prevention and treatment of Headaches Headache

Treatment Of Headache

Treatment of a headache that is done should be seen from the symptoms experienced by and based on the cause because not all types of a headache can be overcome with drink the headache medication only.

At first, the doctor will ask the patient's medical history, physical tests and then if the cause is not detected, further tests may be done. Some advanced tests that can be done is a urine test, blood test, test the eyes, sinus x-ray, CT scan, and MRI scans.

In addition, checks with the electroencephalogram (EEG) may be recommended by a doctor if you experience a headache is accompanied by other symptoms such as seizures. In severe cases, a doctor will likely perform a test of spinal fluid samples from the take the spinal canal to examine the possibility of certain infections.

Treatment Of Headache Of Tense

In general, the drugs sold freely, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, and aspirin can overcome the headaches of the tense moment. In addition, some alternative therapies can also be done to alleviate stress, which is as follows:

• Cognitive behavioral therapy that is a therapy in which patients are taught to manage the stress that can trigger headache of tense.
• Warm water Therapy.
• Massage.
• Practice relaxation.

Treatment Of a Migraine

Generally, migraine treatment is divided into two, namely treatment to relieve symptoms (abortive) and preventive medicine.

• Treatment of abortion. To relieve migraine symptoms, you may be taking some kind of medication that can be purchased without a prescription such as asteaminofen (paracetamol), ibuprofen, aspirin, drugs, ergotamine, triptans class medicines anti-nausea drug, as well as the glucocorticoid.

Preventive medicine. Not all migraine sufferers require preventative treatment. You may be advised to consume preventive medicine if you experience an attack at least four times in a month, the attack lasted for 12 hours or more, in anti-pain medicines do not help relieve the symptoms, or if a migraine causing paralysis or numbness.

Treatment to prevent this attack among another drug inhibitor of beta (beta-blockers), the antidepressant drug, anti-seizure, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroid especially naproxen.

Migraine headaches due to requiring special handling, unlike other types of headaches. The more detailed explanation you can read in the treatment of a migraine. Always consult with your doctor to get the most appropriate migraine treatment in accordance with your condition.

Treatment Of a Cluster Headache

Drug-free pain reliever sold ineffective to address a cluster headache. This type of headaches appear suddenly and can quickly subside. There are some steps that can help cope with cluster headaches, which are:

• Use a triptan nasal spray prescribed by doctors, like sumatriptan or zolmitriptan. This remedy is sprayed into the nose.
• Taking any preventative medicine.
• 100 percent oxygen Inhalation using a mask.
• Injection drug Use such as sumatriptan for stillest them quickly when the attack hit.

Headache Prevention

The following are some of the things that can help prevent headaches.

Enough rest

It is strongly recommended to have enough rest time and regularly. Seven to eight hours per day is the average sleep time is needed by the adults.
Do not replace the deficient bedtime on weekdays at the holidays, because it's not effective. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time.

Cut down on caffeine

Try not to consume caffeine or minimize it, because although some headache treatment using caffeine to relieve symptoms but can be aggravating, too.

Avoid headache triggers

Find out the triggers that can cause you to experience headaches in order to avoid headaches by way of noting in detail each of you experiences headaches, such as when and what your new consumption before the affected headache. For example, some people need to avoid drinks with caffeine content because it is believed can trigger migraine attacks.

Reduce stress

By managing the stress and pressures of life properly, a person can reduce the risk of experiencing a headache. You can find a way to organize daily activities and draw up a time so your productivity even more.

Eat regularly

Live a healthy life by eating regularly three times a day and snacks in between if necessary. It is recommended to always eat at the same time every morning and start the day with a healthy breakfast.


Take time to relax, like reading a book, taking a bath with warm water, and listen to music. In addition, you can also perform relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga.

Reduce drug consumption

Consult your doctor if you are taking medication too often, pain reliever drug that is sold freely, because taking any medicine more than two times a week could make headaches more often relapse.

Regular exercise

Sports done regularly can help reduce stress. Start exercising slowly to reduce the occurrence of injuries, and select Your sports fond, such as swimming, cycling, or walking. However, make sure you consult with a doctor to make sure your physical condition.

References :
Ahmed, F. (2012). Headache Disorders: Differentiating and Managing The Common Subtypes. British Journal of Pain, 6(3), pp. 124-132. 

Khalil, et al. (2012). Chronic Daily Headaches. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 15(Supplement 1), pp. S40-S50. 
NINDS. NIH (2018). Headache Information Page. 
NHS (2017). Health A-Z. Headaches. 
Mayo Clinic (2017). Diseases and Conditions. Cluster Headache. 
Mayo Clinic (2017). Diseases and Conditions. Tension Headache. 
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases and Conditions. Headaches: Treatment Depends on Your Diagnosis and Symptoms. 
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases and Conditions. Migraine. 
Mayo Clinic (2018). Symptoms. Headache. 
Tidy, C. Patient (2018). Chronic Tension Headache. 
WebMD (2015). Get Migraines? Find Your Food Triggers. 
WebMD (2017). Headache and Migraine Diagnosis.