Causes and Symptoms of ODD - Depression

Causes and Symptoms of ODD - Depression ODD oppositional defiant disorder or nuisance behavior is characterized by mood swings temper or irritability, the behavior is often denied or opposed, and spiteful. 

Behavior like this can go on for six months or more. ODD may occur well before puberty or after puberty but usually appear at the age of 8 years.

The Cause Of ODD

The cause of ODD not yet known for sure. However, some of the following risk factors thought to affect emergence can be ODD in children. Among these are:

• biological factors. These factors include mothers who smoke during pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy, and child development disorders. Some research suggests that an abnormality or injury in the area of the brain can trigger behavioral disorders in children. 

In addition, most of the children and adolescents who have a family member with mental disorders, such as ADHD, anxiety, and depressive disorders have a higher risk of the ODD.

• psychological factors. These factors include family ties that are not harmonious and parents who don't give enough attention to the child. In addition, ODD is also associated with the elderly who commit violent acts or the giving of the judgment to the child.

• Social Factors. These factors include poverty, rejection from peers, or violence in the neighborhood.
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Symptoms and Diagnosis of ODD

To find out whether a child suffers the ODD or not, the psychiatrist will be doing a mental health evaluation. 

Because of the ODD behavior with impaired arises frequently or other mental disorders, the symptoms are often difficult to distinguish ODDly. The following is the symptoms experienced by sufferers of ODD:

• Mood easily angry or offended, include: 

o Easy to lose patience.
o Too sensitive or easily irritated.
o Irritable and angry.

• Behavior opposed or denied, include: 

o Often argued with authorities or someone older.
o Often defies or refuses to comply with requests or rules.
o Often disturb others.
o Often blame others for his own faults.

• The Grudge. Sufferers often exhibit the ODD sense of revenge or hatred against others.

For children under the age of 5 years, the ODD symptoms usually appear more often compared to children aged 5 years and over, that almost every day, and lasted for 6 months. 

Due to his behavior, a child with ODD will be difficult to conduct social interaction, thus negatively impact the social and educational aspects.

Psychiatrists will ensure that this behavior is not caused by other mental disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, or psychosis, and does not relate to drugs being consumed, including drugs.

Treatment of ODD

Treatment against ODD done based on several factors, such as the child's age, the severity of symptoms, and the ability of the child to participate in a variety of specific therapy.
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This treatment always involves parents and last for several months or more. There are several treatment options for ODD, among others:

• psychotherapy. 
Method of treatment of a type of counseling that aims to help children to develop skills and problem solving, as well as to express me and control anger. Types of psychotherapy that can be made against the ODD sufferers, among others:

o Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

This therapy is performed by a psychiatrist to improve:
-the ability to control anger.
-ability to communicate.
-ability to troubleshoot problems.
-control the urge or craving.

o Parent interaction Therapy (PCIT). Older people will be taught how to interact with children. Parents will also learn parenting techniques effectively.

o Family therapy. Psychiatrists and families work together to find ways or strategies in the face of a child with ODD.

o The therapeutic ability of socialization. This therapy aims to help sufferers of ODD study how to improve their abilities in other people and socialize with peers.

• Drugs. Medicines are not recommended as initial therapy. The drugs an antidepressant or antipsychotic sometimes used to control the behavior of a child with ODD.

ODD treatment at early stages is vital. ODD is left without treatment can worsen symptoms and increases the risk of depression.

Parents can also apply the following ways to help children ODD:

• Give examples of behavior that would like to apply to the child.

• Give instructions or the instructions specified in order to clear.

• Praising children positive behaviors, such as praising a child who's been tidied up her toys.

• Establish a daily routine consistently.

• Avoid things that can trigger a debate with the child.

• Taking special time to accompany the child.

• Give homework so that children become accustomed. Start with light duty then slowly combine it with a heavier duty after successfully completing the task lightly.

• In collaboration with partners, other family members, or by school teachers to set boundaries, and the same discipline should be consistent when applying it.
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Complications of ODD
Children and adolescents tend to be difficult to establish the ODD sufferer's friendship and trouble with parents and older brother or sister at home, teachers at the school, as well as those of other authorities. ODD can experience other problems, such as:

• anti-social Behaviour.
• A decrease in achievement at school.
• Interference in controlling craving or desire.
• The tendency of using dangerous substances.
• Suicide

Most children and adolescents also have the ODD sufferers of mental health disorders, such as:

• Disorders of anxiety.
• Disruptions in communicating and learning something.

Prevention Of ODD

Precautions against ODD is generally hard to do. However, the proper method of parenting and early treatment can help improve the behavior of children and lower the risk of the ODD. 

Parents and teachers can run programs increased socialization, problem-solving and controlling anger against the children of preschool age. 

Family members can also do some other things, like providing enough affection, being supportive, and creating a home environment that can lower the risk of the emergence of the ODD symptoms.
Ghosh, a. et. Al. (2017). Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Current Insight. Psychol Behav Res Manag. 10, pp. 353 – 367.
Riley, et al. (2016). Common Questions About Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Am Fam Physician, 93 (7), pp. 586-91.
The American Psychiatric Association (2013). Highlights of Changes From DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5.
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases & Conditions. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
WebMD (2016). Oppositional Defiant Disorder.