Foods That Raise Blood Sugar – Diabetes

Foods That Raise Blood Sugar – Diabetes You feel already set up the diet and choosing foods, but it turns out blood sugar levels keep rising. Maybe this happened because for this you only limit sugar, whereas many other foods that can increase blood sugar.

The body produces blood sugar with digesting food into sugar, then used as energy. However, blood sugar levels that are too high can be dangerous, especially if you or you have a family history of type 2 diabetes. If not, you risk experiencing disruption in sight, kidney, heart, and blood vessels.

Note the Daily Diet

Foods high in carbohydrates contain one type of food that needs to be limited because in the process of digestion can increase your intake of sugar. Foods high in carbohydrates will be soon modified the body into blood sugar. A growing number of carbohydrates consumed, it will be the higher the blood sugar in the body.

Unfortunately, these types of food consumed our people is a kind of high-carbohydrate foods, such as rice, known as the staple food. Therefore, do not forget the intake of other nutrients in order to form a balanced nutritional diet.

We recommend that you combine different types of food, such as proteins, fiber, and fat in the meal. This will help slow the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce the increase in blood sugar levels.

Packed each 3-5 hours also helps keep blood sugar levels. This can be done with 3 big meals, punctuated twice snacks.

Consuming high-calorie foods will make you save the backup of your calories in the form of fat. The more excess body weight due to fat deposits, the cells of the body insensitive to insulin, so that blood sugar levels rise.
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Some kinds of food that need to be Restricted

Below are some foods and beverages that may not be surprising that you can increase your blood sugar levels:

• White rice
Every day you are accustomed to eating white rice? The study found that people who eat 5 or more servings of rice per week, more are at risk of experiencing diabetes type 2. This risk will be down about 16% of the diet of white rice if you or replace it with a red rice that is rich in fiber.

• White bread
White bread made from refined flour is processed quickly so that the body can increase the blood sugar levels quickly. Instead, you can eat whole wheat bread to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

• Red meat and processed meat
Although red meat or processed meat is rich in saturated fat does not need to be avoided altogether, but still should be limited. A study found that people that every day consuming processed meats, may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes until doubled. Instead, you can try another source of protein foods that are healthier, such as low-fat dairy products.

• Soda and other sweet drinks
According to research, people who consumed drinks soda 1-2 times per day, 26% experienced a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Fruit juices which are sold in packs containing also a lot of sugar and calories.
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In addition, sports drinks may indeed contain sodium and potassium that help restore fluids and electrolytes, but also contain carbohydrates that are not needed if you exercise less than an hour. Better you replace sugary drinks it with mineral water.

• Fast food
Most fast food high in fat, salt, and calories which of course increases the weight and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

• Food packaging
Packaging foods tend to be high in trans fats which increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, so that may also increase the risk of diabetes. Especially if the packaging of foods contains lots of sugar, like chocolate or candy.

It does not mean you should always avoid the foods at the top. It's just that you need to pay attention to portions and frequency of your bread. In addition, the sport is also an important way to stabilize blood sugar levels.
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If you have a history of diabetes, then it is highly recommended for you to routine controls on doctors and underwent treatment that is recommended.

And if you are confused as to determine the right food choices to keep your blood sugar levels, you can also consult a doctor of nutrition.

So to prevent high blood sugar, from now on don't just focus avoid sugary foods Yes.