What are the Side Effects of Facial - Beauty

What are the Side Effects of Facial - Beauty

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Facial face widely considered beneficial beauty treatments in rejuvenating the skin. But behind it, there is a risk of side effects including facial dry skin, irritation, and redness.

The facial face can now be done anywhere. Can be done at home or professionally in the beauty care center, a spa, and salon or beauty shop.

However, you should be careful, because if not done by trained personnel, let alone without the supervision of a doctor, this action may have been in fact give rise to undesirable effects on the skin of the face.

Effects on the Skin that may arise

Facial treatment with face generally has three stages. Facial begins massaging the area around the face using face cream and continued by giving hot steam on the face through a warm towel or electric steam tool. Finally, clean the skin pores face up to, and apply the face masks.
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The facial procedure should only be done with the supervision of professional health workers, such as specialist skin Error cleaning and choosing facial face could bring negative effects to the health of the skin.

The following side effects can occur after undergoing facial:

• Irritation and dry skin

Beauty care product-use of the less-precise result in skin irritation and redness. Some facial beauty care products generally contain ingredients that can make facial skin exfoliate.

Cleanse the face with harsh ingredients not only makes the skin exfoliate, but it also makes the skin becomes dry and itchy.

In this condition, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays from the Sun for too long, as it can aggravate the skin condition. To resolve it, apply a moisturizer for dry skin products that do not contain fragrances. If necessary use a sunblock before doing outdoor activities.

• Erythema and edema

Research shows facial face can cause side effects directly on the face such as erythema and edema.

Facial erythema is characterized by the symptoms in the form of the face skin redness, caused by dilation of blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the skin towards the facial skin.

While edema is swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the tissues of the body, in this case, is the face. Both of these conditions cause the face to become visible red and swollen.

• Dermatitis and eruption of acneiform

Also referred to as dermatitis eczema that is an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by rashes that itch and redness. This condition can be caused by irritation or an allergic reaction to the treatment used.
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While acneiform eruption or acneiform eruption is a skin disorder that resembles Acne can be caused by infections and reactions to drugs.

For complaints like this, you may need the help of a drug or treatment by a physician, in order to further improve the complaints on the face effectively.

Don't be easily tempted with frills facial care face is cheap and fast. Visit the Center trusted facial beauty treatments under the supervision of a physician to avoid the side effects of facial facials.

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