What is Diabetes and how it Gestational?

Auniqueherbal.blogspot.com- During pregnancy, a woman will experience hormonal changes that can affect the blood sugar in the body. That's why pregnant women need to be very careful about eating certain foods. Otherwise, diabetes gestational a result.

Gestational diabetes is diabetes experienced by the mother during pregnancy.

A woman who suffered diabetes gestational will tend to be affected by type 2 diabetes later in life. That's why during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the serving and content of nutrients in your food.

This type of diabetes usually presents after 28 weeks of age or on the third trimester.
Keep in mind, this type of diabetes is not simply a present because there is a history of diabetes in your family.

But because during pregnancy, there is an increase of hormones in your body such as progesterone, estrogen, and lactogen the placenta.

The increase in these hormones makes insulin can't work properly so that the sugar in the blood will increase.

High blood sugar will be taken by the fetus and stored as fat in the body. The result? A fetus grows bigger on top average.

Identify the causes and risk factors of Diabetes Gestational.

The presence of diabetes gestational is certainly preventable. One of them is to recognize and avoid the things that trigger the cause. The following are some of the causes and risk factors that trigger the emergence of diabetes gestational.

• Insulin does not work properly.

During pregnancy, a woman will experience hormonal changes which later influenced the increase in blood sugar levels in the body.

This is actually a reasonable thing because excess blood sugar will be delivered at the baby so the baby can develop.

Well, at a time of increased blood sugar, the body should also produce more insulin so glucose entry into the fetus, not excess.

But unfortunately, in some women, insulin is not produced properly. As a result, mother gestational diabetes while pregnant and the baby was growing in unnatural.

• History of diabetes gestational.

In addition to the problems occur on insulin, diabetes risk gestational will increase if on previous pregnancy You experienced the same thing.
So, if you've had this condition before, try to be more careful on my next pregnancy.

• Body mass index.

During pregnancy, it is important for you to continue to control their weight by knowing the body mass index.

Because if Your body mass index over 30 during pregnancy, it means you belong to the category of obese. At this level, the body will tend to be at risk of experiencing diabetes gestational.

• Babies born before experiencing macrosomia.

Macrosomia is a condition in which babies are born with a body weight of 4.5 kg or more.

Try to remember well the weight of your child before birth, if it weighs 4.5 kg or more, you should pay more attention to the development of the fetus and what you consume.

The Danger For The Mother and Child.

A woman who suffered from diabetes during pregnancy gestational can not only contain the babies with a weight above the average. Some other complications may occur.

For example, low blood sugar and minerals in the body of the baby when it is born. Respiratory disorders while experiencing or infant jaundice.

The excess weight of the fetus can also lead to the possibility of the emergence of the injury either in the mother or child during childbirth. Normally, if a doctor during pregnancy can already predict the magnitude of your baby, the doctor will recommend a cesarean section.

This is done in order to avoid injuries at the time of birth.
In addition, the mother during her pregnancy suffer from diabetes type also tended to be at risk of experiencing a miscarriage, the baby is born prematurely, and had preeclampsia.

So, start to pay more attention to what you eat and keep control portions. Do not let You do things that can endanger the health of the fetus and yourself at a later date.

Other than you know, that would be affected are at risk of type 2 diabetes, children born of mothers who have experienced gestational diabetes also suffer from diabetes or at risk of obesity later in life.

Mother, not forever baby born chubby was hilarious. So, avoid the thought that during pregnancy you need much more food than ever before.

Rather than reproduce portions, better enriching his nutritional. Of course, you don't want to harm Your fetus, isn't it?

References :
Mayo Clinic (2018). Diseases & Conditions. Fetal macrosomia. 

NHS Choices UK (2016). Health A-Z. Gestational diabetes. 
WebMD (2017). How Gestational Diabetes Affects You & Your Baby.