3 Additional Supplements Our Body Needs

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- You certainly will do a variety of activities each day, ranging from work, school, shopping, house cleaning, and other smaller activities. The dense activity making enough power drained, so make your body become limp and exhausted.

Often, to overcome my weakness and fatigue and restore energy that is lost, you are choosing to relax and consume food containing high nutrients. In addition, your body also needs some kind of additional supplements that can be obtained from natural ingredients. 

Here are the 3 types of supplements that are needed by the body, which you can get from natural ingredients, including:

1. Magnesium
The first is magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral needed by the body. This is because magnesium has important benefits, namely giving energy so that the body can always be fresh in performing daily activities. 

In addition, magnesium also plays an important role as fuel much needed muscle by you who are trying to lose weight and build muscle body. You can obtain magnesium from various kinds of food, such as pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, spinach, fish, almonds, yogurt, and kefir.

2. Vitamin B12
The body also requires vitamin intake in order to be always healthy and fit, particularly vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important in the production of red blood cells and can give the size of the larger blood cells so it can hold more oxygen to the body. 

When the oxygen supply to the rest of the body is sufficient, then the body will always be fresh and not easily tired. Vitamin B12 can be obtained by you from certain types of foods, such as beef liver, lamb, eggs, etc.

3. Iron
The last additional supplements are also needed by the body to keep it fresh is iron. Not only does vitamin B12, but iron is also required by the body to form hemoglobin, i.e. cells in the blood that are essential for the body. Foods that contain iron and can you consume is red meat, spinach, eggs, and nuts.