How to deal with acne while pregnant - Acne

How to deal with acne while pregnant - Acne In the first three months of pregnancy, pregnant women are experiencing an increase in hormones. This can trigger the onset of acne in pregnant women. No need to fret, because there's a safe way you can do to ward off the little-uninvited guests.
The increased androgen hormones responsible for Acne on your face.

This hormone can stimulate the skin to produce more oil called sebum. Acne can occur when sebum is mixed with the dead skin cells. These meetings may close the pores of the skin and trigger fast-growing bacteria.

As we know, anything that touches the body of pregnant women participated and affect the fetus. So, you are encouraged to use acne medications carefully in order to avoid the risk of babies born deformed. Here are a few types of substance on acne medications that are safe and forbidden for pregnant women:
Acne - Cure Acne Naturally

Substances that are safe

Some experts recommend acne medications contain azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin, clindamycin or glycolic acid. The level of absorption of these substances to the body only about 5 percent, so it is believed will not affect the fetus.

However, you should be careful because many acne medications that have not been tested for safety by pregnant women.

Consult a doctor first before deciding on acne medication wearing.

Illicit substances

Isotretinoin. This substance is very dangerous when used during pregnancy because it can cause serious birth defects.

Because of the danger, a woman who was infertile should wear two types of contraception, at least a month before and after taking these drugs. A pregnancy test is also required before, during, and after the usage.

Salicylic acid. Some experts suggest avoiding acne medications that contain these substances. You have to be careful because this substance is found in Acne medications are sold freely on the market.

Tetracyclines. These substances can inhibit bone growth of the fetus and change the color of her teeth permanently. These include antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocycline.

Retinoids. These include tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene, and. According to some research, the rate of absorption of these substances to the skin is categorized as low. Even so, there remains a concern that the substance may increase the risk of babies born deformed.
How to treat hormonal acne

Back to natural

If you worry about the use of chemical-based acne medications affect the natural way fetuses, the following can be used as options:

Baking Soda. The content on the baking soda can make skin dry and helps the acne healing process. How to make an acne remedy of baking soda i.e. mix 1 spoon of baking soda and water into a paste. Apply it on the pimples and allow it to dry out before being washed.

Lemon. Substance alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) found in lemon. If applied topically, a substance in lemon can remove dead skin cells and helps open the pores are clogged. To get the benefits, dip a cotton swab in the lemon juice. Apply on acne, let sit to dry, then rinse with cold water.

Honey. Honey can be soothing to the skin. In it, there are also antiseptic and antibacterial substances. How to use it i.e. Clean wash the face with warm water, and then apply the honey to the desired area. Let sit for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Pure coconut oil. This oil has antifungal and antibacterial substances that can cope with acne. In addition, coconut oil can also be soothing to the skin. Use coconut oil instead of Moisturiser before bed.
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Clean your face properly You should also apply. Do not wash face excessively. Pretty twice a day. Use SOAP or facial cleanser that gently.

Rub gently with the pads of the fingers of the hand, don't wear a towel to rub your facial skin. Better pat dry the skin by way of Pat rather than rubbed.
Avoid the habit of touching or squeeze pimples to avoid irritation and aggravating.