Acne - Food cause acne

Acne - Food cause acne Food-food causes acne generally is a food that can increase blood sugar which can then trigger increased insulin. 

With increasing levels of insulin in the body, then the skin's oil production will increase, making it more prone to cause acne.

Then what are the foods that are related to the causes of acne and what healthy steps to avoid it?
Acne is a skin disease commonly appear around the face, chest, or back. 

The degree can vary, ranging from minor such as blackheads to levels worse like freckles that contain cysts and pus. 

In General, acne is caused by changes in hormone levels, but there are also some foods that can cause acne easier to appear. Here are the foods that you should avoid to avoid the onset of acne.

The types of foods that cause acne 

• to make potatoes

To make the potatoes turned out to have a high glycemic index that could trigger a rise in insulin and glucose in the body. In addition, to making potatoes, fries, and bread also has a high glycemic index that you should avoid.
How to deal with acne while pregnant - Acne
• Cake and soda

Foods that are high in sugar, like a sweet cake, soda, and fruit juice that is mixed with milk and sugar can cause acne. This is due to a high content of glucose can trigger insulin and lead to acne.

• processed foods milk

Milk, cheese, processed foods, and other cow's milk, though rich in calcium content, it can cause acne if consumed excessively. The hormones contained in it can cause the oil glands to continue to evolve and become a trigger for the onset of acne.

• oily Food

High fatty foods like fast food can increase the risk of developing acne. So far many consider spicy food as a culprit of acne, but one study suggests that spicy food has no effect on acne. 

Thus the food is high in fat and salt effect on the appearance of acne.

Besides the above, many other things that can cause acne. For example due to certain medications, hormones, and body stress.

The healthy way of avoiding Acne

In addition to the myth of food causes acne, such as peanuts, myths about how to avoid pimples is also widely circulated. Then, as if in fact the right way of avoiding and reducing acne?

Ranging from food. Yes, you must start it from eating food which is certainly healthy. This is due to the womb that is contained in food can affect our bodies. In order for you to avoid acne, there is no harm in starting a healthy diet. 

Good food to be consumed to avoid acne, one of which is nuts. Although often referred to as the cause of acne, it turns out that eating nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation around the sebaceous glands. In addition to peanuts, fish is also good for Your consumption to avoid acne.
Causes of pimples on the head - Acne
The pattern of healthy living. Already a public secret if healthy life patterns can affect the health of the organs of our body. So too with acne. To taste not too sleep nights and regular exercise can also help reduce acne. 

If you often sleep late, start to sleep early. Because if you're sleep-deprived, each hour can affect stress increased nearly 15 percent. 

Increased stress can trigger glucocorticoids so that it can damage the structure and function of the skin. In addition to sufficient and regular sleep, you also need to do the sport because the sport was able to reduce stress.

Keep the hygiene of the skin. If you want to avoid acne, certainly need to maintain skin health. The trick is to wash your face twice a day, at morning and night. 

This is important due to dirt, sweat, and cosmetics from activity a day stuck in your face and can cause a blockage in the pores that cause acne.

Healthy skin and awake not only affects the health of organs in the body but also the appearance. To avoid acne, you need to maintain healthy life patterns and limiting the consumption of different types of food cause acne. 

In addition, don't forget to drink enough water, at least eight glasses a day, so that your skin properly hydrated and your body stay healthy.
El Darouti, et al. NCBI (2016). Salty and spicy food; are they involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris? A case-controlled study. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 15 (2), pp. 145-9.
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