Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty Sulfur or sulfur is a type of mineral that is usually found in the form of crystalline rocks in the mountains. Not just known as a raw material for steelmakers, several products for the skin also contains sulfur. 
Actually, what are the benefits of sulfur for skin health and beauty?

Benefits of sulfur for the skin you need to know

Have you ever visited the hot spring? Yes, this is indeed a tourist spot famous for its baths hot springs containing sulfur. 

Many people flocked to come there and soaking as a therapy to cure a variety of diseases of the skin. However, is it true that brimstone has the potential to maintain skin health?

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Yes, the utilization of sulfur not only through thermal baths but also used for cosmetic products and also drugs-drugs skin disease such as the following:

1. Keep clean pores and prevent acne

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

Dirt and excess oil can cause acne. Well, some anti-acne products typically contain sulfur. This pungent-smelling natural mineral capable of killing bacteria that clog and irritate the skin pores.

In addition, sulfur is also able to reduce the buildup of excess oil can clog pores. Normally the sulfur present in cosmetic products for mild acne.

Sulfur is also considered to be lighter than the benzoyl peroxide for treating acne. Benzoyl peroxide tends to cause allergic reactions, irritation, or skin exfoliate.

2. Lifts dead skin cells

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

Exfoliation is a technique that helps exfoliate dead skin cells. Normally, exfoliation using salt or sugar scrubs or exfoliators product that contains BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid or salicylic acid).

In addition to using on the product anti-acne, sulfur was also used as a material for exfoliation. Sulfur is keratolytic i.e. can peel the outer skin layer so that it is suitable for lifting the burden of dead cells.

A spokesman for the luxury skin care brand Gazelli added that sulfur used in many face masks and can be used to help control dermatitis.

3. prevents skin aging

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

To maintain the suppleness of the skin, collagen needs should be would be sure. Unfortunately, increasing age, collagen production so diminished and skin so dry, sagging, and also began to frown. Especially if the skin is constantly exposed to pollution and also to the Sun, the skin will ripen more quickly.

Aging can be prevented or antiaging products with easy in IE rejuvenation. Well, sulfur is often added at the rejuvenation products. Sulfur can kill bacteria that damage the skin while stimulating collagen production.

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4. Tackle dandruff

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

In addition, used as ingredients exfoliate, sulfur can be used as a treatment for scalp dandruff. Sulfur helps the crusty scalp so that faster chipped as well as improve the texture, tone, and sheen to the hair.

5. Used as a remedy for eczema and rosacea

Beauty-Benefits Sulfur for beauty

Eczema and rosacea is a skin disease that causes skin redness, itching, and irritation as well. Sulfur-based medications well, often prescribed as replacement of antibiotics disease rosacea. The sulfur which is anti-inflammatory in the skin is able to overcome the symptoms of rosacea.

Aside from rosacea, sulfur being a drug most recommended coping with eczema. Sulfur therapeutic nature can reduce eczema symptoms such as dry skin, itchy patches, and also inflammation.

Do not use sulfur carelessly

Although sulfur-rich benefits for skin health and beauty, use sulfur should not be random. Everyone is also not necessarily fit with this mineral. 

Preferably, consult a doctor first before using any sulfur.
Sulfur can influence the level of acidity of the skin so that it could be aggravating the irritation and disrupting a protective layer of the skin. Especially for people who have sensitive skin or dry skin.
Sulfur Could Be Key Ingredient To Clearing Acne For Good, Experts Say. Retrieved 30 August 2018.
The Use of Sulfur for Skin Care. Retrieved 30 August 2018.
7 Amazing Skincare Benefits of Sulfur. Retrieved 30 August 2018.