This Is The Cause Of Someone Experiencing Depression
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Depression can occur at any age, but the depression usually begins to occur when adulthood. The cause of the depression the specifics are still unknown, the condition is thought to occur due to a combination of genetic factors, biological, psychological, and the environment.
There are a few facts that genetic factors are thought to have an effect on the incidence of depression:
• Nearly 50% of people who have a twin brother who suffers from depression, but also has a tendency to get depressed.
• Ason who has a nuclear family ever experienced depression, three times more prone to experience depression than not.
However, for certain gene abnormalities had a layout can be determined.
Although depression can flourish without the trigger factor is preceded by, but some conditions under this can increase the risk of a person to experience depression.
Among these are:
• Experiencing traumatic events.
Some examples of events or circumstances that can trigger the onset of depression include torture or abuse, the death of a person, problems in relationships (marriage, friendship, romance, family, and co-workers), as well as economic hardship.
• Have certain diseases.
Sometimes depression emerged as a reaction from a disease that is being suffered, such as head injuries and disorders of the thyroid hormone. Some chronic and life-threatening illnesses can also trigger the onset of depression. An example is HIV/AID, coronary heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.
• Have a certain personality.
Feel inferior, too harsh in judging yourself, pessimistic, or too dependent on others, could increase the risk of a person to experience depression.
• Alcohol and Drug Dependency.
A lot of people trying to escape from the problem with consuming alcoholic beverages or use drugs. But both of these are in fact can trigger the onset of depression or aggravating the depression.
• Certain drugs.
Some drugs can increase the risk of someone affected by depression. An example is the sleeping pills and medications for hypertension.
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