What is Depression And How The Symptoms People Experiencing

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Depression or in medical terms is called the major depressive disorder is a mood disorder (mood) that can affect patterns of thought, feeling, and how to deal with daily activities.

When experiencing depression feel sad, someone would have given up hope, feel worthless, loss of interest in things that used to his liking or blame yourself. This occurs throughout the day and lasts for at least 2 weeks. 

Depression different from feeling unhappy that lasts a while. But because of a wrong understanding and are considered equal to the usual sad sense, the disease is often considered trivial. In fact, depression is a serious illness that can encourage patients to commit suicide.

In the classification, in addition to major depressive disorder, there are several other forms of depression are a little different in terms of time, possible causes, or other accompanying symptoms, i.e.:

• Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Often referred to as bipolar disorder in children, because these disorders occur in children (less than 18 years) with symptomatic quick temper and often doing the extreme outside of the control.

• Persistent depressive disorder. The shape of the light but of chronic depression. It says chronically because symptoms of depression can last for 2 years.

• Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The onset of symptoms of mood changes, quick temper, and symptoms of depression that occurs during the last week before menstruation and reduced the time of menstruation, then disappear after menstruation.

• Perinatal Depression. A more serious form of baby blues experienced by women after giving birth. Perinatal depression can occur during pregnancy or after childbirth. This circumstance resulted in mother activity difficult to do well for himself or for his son.

• Depression accompanied by symptoms of psychosis.

• Bipolar disorder.

In the year 2015 WHO estimates there are more than 300 million people worldwide are experiencing depression, where women more often than men, and more than 750 thousand people died of suicide. 

Whereas in Indonesia alone, an estimated 3.7% of the population are experiencing depression. To prevent the Act of suicide, the disease of depression should soon be overcome with the support and proper handling.

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression can be very extensive and complicated, not just simply a sad feeling that can occur from time to time. Depression symptoms can also be experienced differently by each person, but in General, someone experiencing depression may experience feelings of sadness, missing expectations, and lost interest against various things.

Symptoms of depression can be viewed from two aspects, namely, psychological and physical. The following are the symptoms of depression are reviewed from each aspect:

• Aspects of psychology.
o Always saddled with guilt.
o Feel despair, low self-esteem and worthlessness.
o Always felt anxious and worried.
o A bad mood or sad in a sustainable way.
o Irritable or sensitive, as well as easy to cry.
o The difficulty of concentration, thinking, and decision making.
o Is not interested and does not have the motivation against everything.
o Arise the idea of hurting yourself or the idea of suicide.
• The physical aspect.
o Always feel exhausted and lost power.
o The changing the menstrual cycle in women.
o Constipation.
o Body Movement and speaking more slowly than usual.
o There is no sexual desire.
o Sleep disturbances.
o Changes in body weight and appetite.

Not all these symptoms experienced by people with depression. Experience entirely, but there are also just experienced some symptoms.  To declare someone experiencing depression, these symptoms should last throughout the day for at least 2 weeks and lead to a disruption of social aspects such as work, school, and relationships with friends and family.

These symptoms are often not noticed by the patient, but it appears obvious to people in the vicinity. Therefore, to declare someone experiencing depression, doctors needed a psychiatric examination, one of them with a questionnaire to determine a diagnosis of depression. 

In addition, it is also a thorough physical examination and inspection support, such as laboratory tests to detect the presence of other disorders that may be physically associated with a State of depression.

Reference :

Dunn, EC. et al. (2015). Hereditary qualities Determinants of Depression: Recent Findings and Future Directions. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 23(1), pp. 1-18
Muñoz, RF. et al. (2012). Real Depression Can Be Prevented. American Psychologist, 67(4), pp. 285-295
NIH (2016). National Institute of Mental Health. Dejection.
NIH (2015). National Institute of Mental Health. Dejection: What You Need to Know.
World Health Organization (2017). Dejection and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates.
NHS Choices UK (2016). Wellbeing A-Z. Clinical Depression.
Mayo Clinic (2018). Maladies and Conditions. Sorrow (Major Depressive Disorder).
Conaway, B. WebMD (2010). To what extent Should You Take Antidepressants?
Grohol, J. PsychCentral (2018). DSM-5 Changes: Depression and Depressive Disorders.
Grohol, J. PsychCentral (2018). Cautioning Signs and Types of Depression.
Halverson, J. Medscape (2018). Dejection.
Higuera, V. Healthline (2016). Dejection Overview.
MedicineNet (2006). Dejection.
Rayski, A. Ordinary Health (2008). Would depression be able to Be Prevented?
WebMD (2018). Psychodynamic Therapy for Depression.
Dunn, EC. et al. (2015). Hereditary qualities Determinants of Depression: Recent Findings and Future Directions. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 23(1), pp. 1-18
Muñoz, RF. et al. (2012). Real Depression Can Be Prevented. American Psychologist, 67(4), pp. 285-295
NIH (2016). National Institute of Mental Health. Dejection.
NIH (2015). National Institute of Mental Health. Dejection: What You Need to Know.
World Health Organization (2017). Dejection and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates.
NHS Choices UK (2016). Wellbeing A-Z. Clinical Depression.
Mayo Clinic (2018). Maladies and Conditions. Sorrow (Major Depressive Disorder).
Conaway, B. WebMD (2010). To what extent Should You Take Antidepressants?
Grohol, J. PsychCentral (2018). DSM-5 Changes: Depression and Depressive Disorders.
Grohol, J. PsychCentral (2018). Cautioning Signs and Types of Depression.
Halverson, J. Medscape (2018). Dejection.
Higuera, V. Healthline (2016). Dejection Overview.
MedicineNet (2006). Dejection.
Rayski, A. Ordinary Health (2008). Would depression be able to Be Prevented?
WebMD (2018). Psychodynamic Therapy for Depression.