This Festering, Acne Causes and How to Overcome it Almost everyone has ever had or having acne. It is considered common since most of the teens who are attending adult never had acne so it is considered a normal part of puberty.

Not only teenagers, but adults can also experience this. Although it is a normal thing, the presence of Acne can interfere with your appearance, especially acne faster.

Acne occurs when the oil glands (sebaceous gland) that stuck to the hair follicles in the skin pores, simulating during puberty or due to changes in other hormones and eventually produce excess sebum.

The sebum or oil are natural substances that lubricate and protects the skin. In addition, the buildup of dead skin cells or bacterial infections on the skin pores can also cause acne.

Records indicate the existence of a festering acne infection.

Acne can be found in almost any part of your body. However, acne more often appears on the face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders.

There are various types of acne, blackheads, comedones i.e white, papules, and pustules or acne faster.

Pustules or acne fester is small red pimple have pus at the end. This festering pimples can appear when you are having an infection in your body, in which white blood cells are the body's attempt to fight it.

That resulted in a mixture of liquid on skin that is infected with germs and dead white blood cells become pus.

When pus is formed under the skin or pores in your skin, it may cause the formation of pustules or acne to fester.

Festering pimples or pustules has a smaller size, between 5 to 10 millimeters. The onset of pus can indicate fungal, or bacterial infections.

Some types of pustules can also arise which are not caused by an infection, it is kind of sterile pustules and skin diseases caused by inflamed as in pemphigus or psoriasis.

Several things can cause the onset of acne and festering pimples are caused by the hormonal changes of puberty or pregnancy, certain medications such as birth control pills or corticosteroids, have parents or family medicine, and menu foods or beverages that are high in sugar or carbs like bread or chips and also the food is greasy or fried foods such as pizza.

How To Resolve Festering Pimples.

If you are experiencing acne fester, you can do some of this acne how to resolve, among them:

• Do not squeeze the pimples.

Pimples are indeed disturbing appearance, especially when it appears on the face. The condition is not uncommon to make you be tempted to squeeze acne.

However, this is not recommended, as it may pose a risk of infection and triggers more severe inflammation. Acne can actually disappear if treatment your skin is done well.

If the festering Pimples burst by itself, clean with cotton or gauze sterile and grease with ointment antibiotic. For better handling, and do not hesitate to consult a skin specialist doctor.

• Use of Drugs Sold Freely Without Prescription.

To resolve the festering pimples or pustules, you can use a topical medicine (medicine holes) is sold freely on the market without a doctor's prescription, such as calamine lotion or gel benzoyl peroxide. 

To benzoyl peroxide, available in the form of gels and acne cream. Benzoyl peroxide is used to dry up existing acne and prevent new pimples. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria can also cause acne.

• Using Sulfur and Salicylic Acid.

Sulfur is a natural herb with a distinctive aroma found in some lotions, cleansers, and masks. While salicylic acid at concentrations that are often contained in SOAP and facial cleanser breakouts can help prevent the pores are not clogged.

When pores clean, and prevent facial skin from acne. When using an ointment containing salicylic acid to overcome acne, avoid using facial cleanser is skin peel (exfoliator).

• Use of Antibiotics.

If the festering pimples you have difficult to treat and is usually removed, doctors will prescribe topical or oral antibiotics to kill the bacteria causes acne and reduce inflammation.

Typically, antibiotics are used only for a short time, so that your body does not build resistance and let yourself susceptible to infection.

The use of antibiotics tailored to germs cause infection in Acne, and upon the advice of a doctor.

• Isotretinoin (Accutane).

This is a drug made from vitamin A which is used to treat severe nodular acne cases.

The drug is used when other drugs tried but failed to Acne gone.

The use of the acne medication containing tretinoin should not be given to pregnant women, because it can cause defects in the fetus.

Other side effects from the use of an ointment containing tretinoin is a skin irritation that can lead to dry skin and itching.

While using the ointment containing this substance, the facial skin should not be exposed to sunlight.
The use of the drug isotretinoin should be consulted with a specialist skin.

In addition to the above, some of the ways acne festering apparently can be prevented by various means, such as washing the face twice a day with a face cleanser without oil, avoid exposure to sunlight, wipe the face with SOAP that is gentle to the skin and does not irritant in nature, avoid makeup containing oil (search labeled noncomedogenic), removes makeup and cleanses your skin thoroughly before going to sleep, take a shower after exercising, avoid tight clothes, eating food a healthy, and reduce stress. Sleep at least 8 hours per night.

If you have done a variety of ways to treat acne festering but no results, you are advised to immediately consult your State on a skin specialist to get treatment and the treatment that's right for you.
References :
Oakley, A. DermNet New Zealand (2015). Topics A – Z. Pustular skin conditions. Burke, D. Healthline (2018). What Causes Acne? Kids Health (2014). For Teens. Why Do I Get Acne? Cole, G. MedicineNet (2018). Acne (Pimples). Ogbru, O. MedicineNet. Isotretinoin. WebMD (2017). What Are Pustules?