The Nutrients Found In The Content of Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes or cassava, also known as vines turned out to contain nutrients that can help fight illness. Research shows that eating sweet potatoes are beneficial, reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Thus, the benefits of what else you can get from the sweet potato? See the explanation below.

In addition beneficial for reducing the risk of dangerous diseases, sweet potatoes also have other uses. Especially with regard to the increase in the energy of the body and the immune system, as well as a decrease in beta.

Sweet potatoes can be processed by means of stewed, grilled, or eaten with mashed way. These foods have already tasted naturally sweet so it can be eaten immediately without the need to add sugar.

The content of Nutrients in sweet potato

Should every person enter the sweet potato in a list of healthy foods that are consumed daily? Because, these foods contain a lot of vitamin A, so it is enough to meet the daily needs of the body. 
In addition, the sweet potato also provides 37 percent body needs Vitamin C.
A medium-size sweet potato that's been baked has only 105 calories, making it perfect for those of you who are undergoing weight loss program. Sweet potatoes also contain fiber and contain almost no fat.

Other important nutrients content in sweet potato that is 25 percent of manganese, vitamin B6, 14 percent and 9 percent potassium.
In addition, sweet potatoes contain other nutrients that are not less important benefits, such as:

• Kolin
Kolin is a versatile substance that is essential for the body. Called the versatile because these substances help the chemical process in nerve cells, helps the absorption of fat, as well as maintaining the structure of the cell membrane. In addition, Kolin is also beneficial in helping muscle movement, sleep, learn, and remember. A study revealed that the benefits of extracts of sweet potato as well as entire adding and capturer of free radicals.

• Beta Carotene
This substance not only gives bright colors on a sweet but also gives many benefits. Beta-carotene was instrumental in delaying aging and protects the body from various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and asthma. Beta-carotene is converted in the body into vitamin a. Hence, consuming food containing beta-carotene may help prevent and repair damage to the eye, preventing nerve damage, and strengthening the immune system.

• Fiber and potassium
Medium-sized sweet potato contains 4 grams of fiber and about 438 mg potassium. Important note that skin sweet potato contains two of these substances. Although there is a sweet Leather-Brown, purple, or yellow, the content of its nutrition value remains the same. While eating sweet potatoes, try not to peel his skin so that you can get the maximum benefits.

The Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Health

Various alleged disease risk can be reduced by eating sweet potatoes regularly. These diseases include:

• Cancer
As we mentioned earlier, the content of beta-carotene in sweet potatoes allows food is beneficial in preventing cancer. Research indicates that beta-carotene can lower the risk of several diseases such as cancer, gastric cancer, breast, and kidney.

• Immune
Again, beta-carotene in sweet potatoes has a great role. This substance in collaboration with vitamin C in the body's immune boosting. Two of the substances also have antioxidant properties form a strong combination of nutrients to support the enhancement of the immune system.

• Digestion
The high fiber contained in sweet potatoes helps the digestive system becomes better and prevents the occurrence of constipation.

• Diabetes
A research shows that sweet potatoes can reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics. Sweet potatoes also identified can reduce the resistance of the cells to insulin and lowering HbA1C levels in the blood increased in diabetics. However, such research is still limited to the study of low-quality and these data still need to be examined further.

• Blood pressure
Eating sweet potatoes can help boost your intake of potassium. Thus, there is potential to help lower blood pressure. However, it is advised to cultivate sweet potatoes with no excessive salt plant, due to an excess of salt (sodium) can cause an increase in blood pressure.

A wonderful sweet potato stew is usually considered a traditional dish. Even so, do not be misunderstood as a food that is low in nutrients. To enjoy the benefits of sweet potatoes, try more frequent consumption as the main dining menu or simply a snack in his spare time.