15 Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin You Must Know from Now

We often hear, many women today do the injection of Vitamin C for maintaining the health and beauty of her skin. Is it true that the benefits of vitamin C have a great power to maintain and care for the skin overall?

Benefits Of Vitamin C for Skin and Hair

The following facts about the benefits of vitamin C for skin:

1. Keep skin stay healthy shine

benefits of vitamin c for face

Without consumption or intake of vitamin C in the body enough, do not hope your skin be healthy and shining. The skin will look more old, not fresh, dull and tired looking. These symptoms can make the skin loses its elasticity, the skin tends to dry more easily, more easily breakouts and flecks.

2. Lack of vitamin C caused many skin problems

benefits of vitamin c for skin care

Maintaining healthy skin, no need to spend a lot of money. Just your daily vitamin C needs. Then, the skin will awake and her beauty naturally. With vitamin C, either consumed or in any other way, you can avoid the various skin problems. Benefits of vitamin C for skin health and beauty it felt did not need to doubt.

3. Vitamin C essential to the formation of collagen

benefits of vitamin c in skin care

Vitamin C contains antioxidants which play a major role in the formation of collagen. In addition to peacekeeping the skin, collagen is also the main component of the turns forming tissues of the body. A deficiency of vitamin C can make the sailors who set sail for a long time, lost his life. The body can not produce collagen, which means it is bad on the main components of the body's tissues.

4. Vitamin C, antioxidant jargony

benefits of vit c for skin

Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants. The function of vitamin C may ward off free radicals are harmful to the health of the skin. When you get enough Vitamin C intake, you've increased the antioxidant in the body, which means that it can ward off a variety of free radicals that threaten any skin, be spared health and beauty.

5. Treating cancer

benefits of vit c on skin

Researchers have found that high consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits to be associated with risks are minimized for many types of cancer. The study also showed that increased consumption of vitamin C is linked to a possible decline in cancer of the lung, mouth, vocal cords, throat, colon, rectum, stomach, and esophagus.

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6. The fight against stroke

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Benefits of vitamin C helps reduce the risk of stroke, a type of cardiovascular disease. A diet full of vegetables and fruits supplies large amounts of this vitamin, which maintains proper blood pressure levels. It also protects the body from free radicals that could be the reason for the stroke.

7. Improve Mood

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Vitamin C functions play a key role in the production of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine. They affect one's mood and is essential for the proper functioning of the brain.

8. Improve your immune

uses of vitamin c for skin

Immunity is the other important benefits of this vitamin. Vitamin C is known for his contributions to the stimulation of the immune system and white blood vessels in the body.

9. To heal the wound

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Benefits of vitamin C helps to repair the wound. This facilitated the growth of connective tissue, which speeds up the process of wound healing.

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10. Reducing hypertension

benefits of vitamin c for the face

People with high-risk hypertension affected by cardiovascular disease. Intake of vitamin C to help lower blood pressure in the body.

11. Control of asthma

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Ascorbic acid helps to reduce asthma symptoms. This helps protect against the harmful effects of pollution on the human body, which often result in symptoms such as asthma.

12. Cure diabetes

benefits of vitamin c skin serum

One of the main reasons for diabetes, as found by various studies, is the low level of Ascorbic acid. Supplements of vitamin C is beneficial as a remedy for diabetes because they assist in the processing of insulin and glucose.

13. To prevent heart disease

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A sufficient amount of Ascorbic acid is very important to protect blood vessels from damage that can cause free radicals. This can be a major cause of heart disease called atherosclerosis. Vitamin C acts as a preventive agent against heart disease, as well as various other heart problems.

14. Cure the toxicity of lead

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Lead toxicity is severe health problems that are found mainly in children, especially in urban areas. The development and growth of abnormal have been found in some children exposed to lead. They develop behavior problems, learning disabilities, and also tend to have a low IQ. This can damage the kidneys and raise blood pressure in adults. Supplements of vitamin C can reduce the level of lead in blood.

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15. Addressing the vasodilation
Treatment with vitamin C effectively produces vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels) which are appropriate in the case of atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. The results have found that vitamin C.
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