7 Habits That Make Acne at Home in The Face Of
Friday, February 15, 2019
Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Who the heck is pleased when acne appear? Acne on the face
can cause discomfort while disturbing appearance.
In fact, the pimples can appear because of some daily habits
without we realize.
Know and avoid that habit, is expected to make the face
acne free some quirks trigger acne include:
1. Wash your face too often.
A dirty face is often thought of as the cause of acne,
though not necessarily as well. Instead wash your face too much can make the face
of the loss of the skin's natural oil, pushing the skin produce even more oil.
It then will only trigger acne.
Wash your face twice just enough. Use warm water and a mild
soap cleanser-face. Avoid using cloth washcloth when washing face, just use a
finger to help flatten SOAP cleanser.
2. Squeeze the acne.
This action will only cause further
problems. Squeeze a pimple will only suppress the pore blockage into the deeper
parts of the skin, thus causing the acne scars. Squeeze a pimple will just make
the healing process lasts longer.
Use acne medication directly on the location of the acne
that will stop the acne up to finally be getting shrinking. The hands should
touch the face may be minimal the breakouts, as the oils from hands can clog
pores that will only aggravate acne.
3. Using a dirty cell phone.
The new phone call will be exposed to wear finished oil and
sweat. Moreover, if the pressure on the cheek then triggers acne breaks out. If
the dirt is not cleaned before it is used again, it will be back to face with
skin bacteria that have developed. Don't be lazy clears the screen of cell
phones. As an alternative, use earphones or another facility that allows the
face doesn't stick on your mobile phone.
4. Hair products are dripped on the face.
Keep the hair oil, gel or other hair products from other
parts of the face or forehead, because it can trigger the onset of acne. This
is because these products can clog the pores. Avoid hair products that contain
a lot of oil and wash your hair with regular.
5. Use excessive make-up.
Do not wear excessive make-up. Acne medications should be
used before using make-up, then cleaned up towards the bed.
For skin breakouts, select makeup oil-free label and do not
cause blackheads (non-comedogenic). There is also a type of makeup which helps
hide your acne.
6. Too much consumption of sugary foods and processed.
Some types of food are allegedly related to acne, namely
processed and sugary foods like biscuits, cake, bread, and white pasta, as well
as potato chips. In addition, foods from the dairy product are also alleged to
have the same influence against the risk of breakouts. Even though, up to now,
unknown food causes acne.
7. Less painstaking treat acne.
Acne healing process takes several weeks. Acne can't be
expected to soon disappear in just one day. If free drugs for Acne doesn't
resolve in time the 2-4 week, we recommend you immediately contact a
dermatologist for further handling.
So already knows the right habit what can trigger acne? Come
on avoid all of that for a smooth face and a coveted clean.
References :
Everyday Health (2011). What Causes Teen Acne?
Redfearn, S. WebMD (2016). 8 Ways You May Be Making Your Acne Worse.