Overcoming Blackheads Disturbing Appearance

Overcoming Blackheads Disturbing Appearance

Healthy-best.blogspot.com- Blackhead is a type of white pimples that appear in the form of small white spots on the skin pores. Comedones this white formed by dead skin cells and oil are mixed and trapped inside the pores.

Blackheads are also called white closed comedones, as their ends covered by skin. The presence of blackheads white is not a dangerous medical condition, but some people feel its existence may interfere with the appearance. But don't worry, because of the many ways that you can try to help eliminate it.

Try to pick your own at home

Can not be denied, do a facial at home has an important role in ridding the blackhead is white in the face. What you can do at home?

Wash or clean the face

Home care has a large part in an effort to remove blackheads and white. Clean your face regularly twice a day. Choose a SOAP made from soft and look at the movement of your hand while cleaning the face. 
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Avoid rubbing too hard or using face soaps and detergents containing alcohol or scrub because it can cause skin irritation, which will make the blackhead became more severe.

Use acne medications

Select the acne medications containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids or.

Salicylic acid function clears dead skin cells so that it can help open blockages in the pores. These materials can also reduce excess oil which becomes the cause of blackheads. 

Products made from salicylic acid acne medication can be used three times a day. Face care products containing salicylic acid is available in the form of a drug, or acne toner Oles in the material of creams and gels.

Meanwhile, the function of benzoyl peroxide is to help eradicate the bacteria. Select the product acne medicine with benzoyl peroxide levels at least as much as 2%. Once a day is enough as the initial usage. 

Furthermore, you can use it twice a day if the skin of the face is already adapting. Do not forget to wash your hands immediately afterward, because benzoyl peroxide is the harsh chemicals.
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Retinoid creams with basic materials can also be used as a treatment of blackheads and white. When used as a daily face cream, retinoids can make the skin soft and clear the pores are clogged.

Unlike other acne medications is applied only on acne, retinoids are applied to the entire surface of the face. If you have sensitive or dry skin, try using it for 2 days. 

If it doesn't happen, irritant or allergic to you can use it every day, at night time.

In order to cure blackheads, white can work to its full potential, let's look at how to use according to the instructions on the packaging. And clean your face before you put it on to the acne.

Avoid using excessive acne medications. Immediately saw a doctor in case of complaints after wearing drugs, programs arose skin rash, itching, swelling, or blisters.

Using natural remedy for overcoming blackheads white
There are some natural ingredients that you can use to help resolve the problem of blackheads white i.e. tea tree oil, Aloe Vera and witch hazel.

Tea tree oil is believed to help clear blackheads white because it has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Other than in the form of pure tea tree oil, this material is also often added to facial care products, such as a facial cleanser or facial masks. 

Besides tea tree oil, you can use Aloe Vera to help tackle the problem of blackheads and white. Aloe Vera is also available in the form of extracts or on skin care products.

Other natural ingredients that you can use to address blackheads is witch hazel, which works by opening the skin pores. Witch hazel is used in the most convenient form of astringent. Simply dampen a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply to the face twice a day.
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Avoid exposure to sunlight to prevent more blackheads and white, it is important to avoid sun exposure. If you want to play outdoors, use sunscreen for face and choose the free oil or labeled non-comedogenic.

Check with your Medical Experts to

In addition, to doing skin care at home, it doesn't hurt to check blackheads on your face white to the doctor.

If after given home care, it turns white instead of blackheads acne develops into a hard lump-shaped or colored red and sore when touched, immediately sought to a specialist skin. 

Blackheads are at risk of developing into white nodules or cysts that are at risk of leaving scarring when handled alone.

Blackheads are indeed sometimes looked white sucks but avoid gouging-gouged with nails because thus may exacerbate blackheads and make blackheads are becoming more difficult to be eliminated, in addition, can also irritate the skin and cause an infection.