Mental Health: Psychiatric Disorders

Mental Health: Psychiatric Disorders Good mental health is the condition when we are in a State of inner calm and quiet, thus enabling us to enjoy the daily life and appreciate other people around.

Someone who has mentally healthy can use the ability or potential to himself the most in the face of life's challenges, and to establish positive relationships with others.

On the contrary, the person who disturbed his mental health will suffer mood disorders, thinking ability, as well as the control of emotions, which in turn can lead to bad behavior.

Mental illness can cause problems in daily life, not only may damage the interaction or relationships with others, but can also a lower achievement in school and work productivity.

There are several types of mental health problems and the following are the three types of the most common conditions to occur.


Stress is a State when a person is experiencing very heavy pressure, both emotionally and mentally. Someone who would normally seem nervous stress, anxiety, and irritability. 

Stress also can disrupt concentration, reduce motivation, and in certain cases, trigger depression.
Stress not only can affect the psychology of the sufferer but can also have an impact upon the way their physical health and attitude.

The following is an example of the impact of stress on someone's behavior:

• Become reclusive and reluctant to interact with others.
• Reluctant to eat or eat in excess.
• Grumpy, and sometimes it's difficult to control anger.
• Be a smoker or smoke excessively.
• Consuming alcoholic beverages in excess.
• Abuse of narcotic drugs.
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The following are the health problems that can be caused by stress:

• Sleep disorders
• Tired
• A headache
• Abdominal pain
• Chest pain
• Pain or tense muscles
• A decrease in sexual desire
• Obesity
• Hypertension
• Diabetes
• Disorders of the heart

Many factors can cause a person undergoes stress, most of which are financial problems, social relationships, or demands in the job. To cope with the stress, the main key is to identify the root of the problem and find a solution.

Stress relief can also be done by applying the advice — advice suggested in stress management is good, such as:

• Learn to accept a difficult issue to be addressed or things that cannot be changed.

• Always think positively and look at that everything that happens in life there is considerations behind.

• Ask for the advice of a trusted person to overcome problems that are being experienced.

• Learning self-control and always active in looking for solutions.

• doing physical activity, meditation, or relaxation techniques to relieve tension emotions and purify the mind.

• Doing new things and challenging other than usual in order to boost confidence.

• Set aside time to do things that were frowned upon.

•Engage in social activities to help others. This way it can make a person more resilient in the face of a problem, especially if it can help someone who has a problem more severe than hers.
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• Avoid negative ways to relieve stress, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or drug use.

• Work with the emphasis on quality, not quantity, in order to better time management and life, is also more balanced.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is a psychological condition when someone is experiencing excessive anxiety in constant and difficult to control, making daily life badly.

For most normal people, anxiety usually arises on a particular incident, such as when will face a test in school or a job interview. But in people with anxiety disorders, anxiety often arise in each situation. That's why people who experience this condition would be hard to feel relaxed from time to time.

In addition to the restless or excessive fear, other psychological symptoms that can appear in people with anxiety disorders is reduced confidence, become irritable, stress, it's hard to concentrate, and became a loner.

Meanwhile, the physical symptoms that may accompany the problem of anxiety disorders include:

• Trouble sleeping
• Body shaking
• Removing the excessive perspiration
• Muscles become tense
• Pounding Heart
• Shortness of breath
• Tired
• Abdominal pain or head
• Dizzy
• Mouth feels dry
• Tingling

Although the cause of anxiety disorders is not known for certain, a number of factors suspected to be triggered by the rise of the condition. Among them are traumatized due to intimidation, harassment, and violence in the family or outside environment.

Other risk factors of prolonged stress, genes are inherited from parents and hormonal imbalance of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain that functions controlling moods. 

Anxiety disorders can also be triggered by the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs.

In fact, anxiety disorders can be overcome without the help of a doctor in several ways, such as eating nutritious food is high, enough sleep, reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, or other sedating substances, not smoking, exercising in routine, and do a simple method of relaxation, such as yoga or meditation.

If treatment does not give independent changes, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The handling of the doctor usually includes the giving of drugs antianxiety and cognitive therapy.


Depression is a mood disorder that causes the sufferer is constantly feeling sad. In contrast to the usual sadness that generally lasts for a few days, feeling sad at the depression can take up to weeks or months.

In addition to affecting the feelings or emotions, depression can also cause physical problems, changing the way of thinking, as well as change the way to behave to a drive. No depression sufferers rarely undergo daily activities normally. 

Even in certain cases, they can hurt themselves and attempted suicide.

The following are some of the symptoms of the psychology of someone who experienced depression:

• Loss of interest or motivation to do something.
• Constantly feeling sad, even constantly crying.
• Feeling very guilty and excessive worry.
• Not able to enjoy life because of loss of confidence.
• It is difficult to make a decision and irritability.
• Not indifferent towards others.
• Have a mind to hurt themselves or commit suicide.
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Here is the impact of depression on health physical that may occur:

• Sleep disorders and body feels weak.
• Speak or move into a slower.
• The changing the menstrual cycle in women.
• Libido down and appears constipated.
• Appetite down or increased drastically.
• Feel pain or pain without a cause.

There are various things that can trigger the onset of depression, from events in life that cause stress, loss of loved ones, feeling lonely, to have a fragile personality against depression.

In addition, the depression experienced by someone can also be caused by suffering severe and prolonged disease, such as cancer and heart disorders, severe injuries in the head, the effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs due to genetic factors within the family.

It is advisable to consult a doctor if feeling the symptoms of depression for more than two weeks and failed to subside.  Especially if these symptoms of depression to disrupt the process of education, employment, and social relationships.

Handling depression by physicians will be tailored to the severity of the depression suffered by each patient. Form handling can be a therapeutic consultation, awarding of antidepressant drugs, or a combination of both.
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The World Health Organization. (2018). Mental Disorder NHS Choices UK (2016). Health A-Z. Clinical Depression.
NHS Choices UK (2016). Health A-Z. Generalised Anxiety Disorder in Adults.
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Mayo Clinic (2015). Diseases and Conditions. Mental Illness.
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