Woww, Dragon Fruit Has a Rich Nutrient Content If you are looking for fruit that tastes sweet, make full and not gain weight, then the Dragon fruit can be the right choice. Moreover, the benefits of Dragon fruit very much, including low in calories and contains a lot of fiber.

Dragon fruit comes from Mexico and Central America, his skin was pink and pretty thick. There are three types of Dragon fruit based on the color of the flesh, namely red, white, and yellow.

Most types of the fruit's flesh are white.

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Content.

When opened, the texture of the flesh Dragon fruit resembling a kiwi fruit, with black spots that are the seeds.

The flesh of the fruit and seeds can be consumed directly simultaneously. Dragon fruit flavor also clashes between kiwi and pear.

In Dragon fruit weighing 100 grams, contained approximately:

• 1.1 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of fat.
• 14 grams of simple carbohydrates, which consist mainly of glucose and fructose.
• 3 grams of fiber if consumed regularly, can help work the digestive tract and prevent constipation.
• Other nutrients such as vitamin C that already meet the 34% of the daily requirement of iron, 10.6% of the daily requirement, thiamin 2.7% of the daily requirement, and riboflavin as much as 2.9% of the daily requirement.

Contains Antioxidants and Lower Cholesterol.

The fruit contains several kinds of antioxidant substances. It is important to add the benefits of Dragon fruit in the fight against free radicals, so as for inhibiting premature aging as well as preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases.

These antioxidant substances, among others, betalain or red pigments in fruits contain antioxidants, namely like is believed to be able to prevent prostate cancer.

Flavonoids, namely the main antioxidant group which is improving the health of the brain. It also adds the benefits of Dragon fruit in lowering the risk of heart disease.

Dragon fruit contains essential fatty acids. The human body requires fatty acids, but can not be produced on its own.

In addition to the essential fatty acids, fruits also contain oleic fatty acids.

This type of fatty acids can lower bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels.

Given the countless benefits of Dragon fruit, it would be very nice if you can consume on a regular basis.

You can consume it directly or offer it along with another type of food to be delicious dishes.
References :
The National Cancer Institute (2017). U.s. Department of Health and Human Services. Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements (PDQ ®) – the Health Professional Version. 

Spritzler, f. Healthline (2016). What Is Dragon Fruit And Does It Have Health Benefits. 
Plackett, b. Health (2012). 23 Healthiest Superfruits You Need Now. (2017). Healthy Eating Guide.