6 Causes Of Acne on The Cheeks and Tips To Deal With It

Healthy-Best.blogspot.com- Acne problem is indeed truly troubling, especially the emergence of pimples on the cheeks. Acne on the cheek it is difficult to be covered since we also recommended not to use makeup that is too thick when breakouts are appearing.

Another problem of acne on the cheek is inflamed acne condition often causes the face to become red. This is certainly a very make us uncomfortable with our facial appearance. So that your confidence can return, identify causes of acne on the cheeks with the fix here!

Causes of acne on the cheeks

Causes of acne on the cheek can be derived from internal factors external factors as well as the body. Here are 6 causes of acne is the most common cheek going on!
An indication of the disease in

The first acne-causing factor comes from the internal body. Acne on the face may indicate an interruption in our body. Based on nonstop face mapping acne, acne on the cheek is the indication of the disruption on the lungs. If you feel weird symptoms on breathing and also coupled with the emergence of pimples on the cheeks, emptied checking yourself to your doctor.

Food consumption is wrong

Causes of acne on this one are indeed not the case at all. But it is proven often occur in some people especially who have sensitive skin and acne prone. Some foods that commonly trigger onset acne in most people among others are junk food, oily food, food with high sugar levels, and much more.

The use of smartphones

Smartphone rarely hives could be cleansed of bacteria and germs. In addition to frequently come into contact with hands, the smartphone will also often come into contact with the cheek when we called. The condition of the smartphone that's less clean this could trigger the transfer of bacteria and germs from the cheek to the smartphone screen and then trigger the onset of acne.

Clean the face of insufficient

Cleanse the face with insufficient can also trigger the onset of acne on the cheeks. Sometimes we've felt good with faces from cleans dust and pollution, but what about the rest of the makeup? The rest of the makeup is usually more difficult to clean up and potentially left in the skin of the face.

The cheek area is an area which is quite a lot of underneath the makeup ranging from concealer, foundation, powder, blush, contour, and the highlighter. The multiple layers of make up this certainly require extra effort to be really clean.

Less keep the environment clean

In addition to the problems of hygiene, environmental hygiene problems face can also trigger the onset of acne on the cheeks. For example like you who have the habit of going to bed tilts, whether you already ensure hygiene of Pillow you use?

Another example is the habit of using a mask with the intent to protect the nose and mouth of pollution, whether you are already ensure mask You clean? Always the attention any items that come into contact with your face because all items potentially to leave germs and bacteria the cause of the acne.

The habit of touching the cheese

The habit of touching the cheek may often not realized. Sometimes we just intend to ascertain whether we still face makeup is good or just want to make sure is there any dirt in our faces. Unfortunately, the habit is often coupled with efforts to keep hands clean.

How To Get Rid Of Acne On The Cheek

The problem of acne on the cheek that is troubling you can fix with tips to remove acne on the cheeks here.

Face masks

Tips eliminate acne the first is with the use of face masks. You can try different kinds of masks that are circulating on the market or make your own at home natural mask with natural ingredients such as rice, water, Aloe Vera, lemon, papaya, tomato, and the famous potent overcome acne.

Clean the face with Max

How to get rid of acne is always clean your face with a maximum. Clean your face twice a day morning and night. Don't let there rest of makeup, dust, and also the dirt in the face. Did the process of exfoliating the face at least once a week to clean up the grime that is still left in the pores.

Keep clean

Keep Your environment clean to reduce the growth of bad bacteria all around you. Clear the screen of your smartphone on a regular basis, change Your pillowcases a few days once and make sure also your hands always clean when touching the face.

Acne medications

If the acne is difficult to be cured with the use of face masks, you can also treat acne with acne medications. There are many acne medications you can get at the pharmacy ranging from drinking to the drug shaped ointment. But if stubborn acne gets worse should immediately consult a doctor so it can be treated with other methods.